
Is it true if you cook vegetables, then that stops the food from being classified as vegan?

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My friend told me that the only way food could be vegan only if it is raw, is that true

I don't eat meat, eggs and dairy




  1. No, that is not true. You can cook vegetables and still be vegan. Cooking has nothing to do with animal products.

    Just make sure your veggies never touch something that has touched a meat product (e.g. butter, chicken, milk, etc.) In a restaurant this is a concern as you *never know* what your veggies might touch. But, you yourself can definitely cook your veggies in oil and salt, seasonings, herbs, etc.

    There are tons of vegan soups, sandwiches, cupcakes!

    Your friend is wrong.

  2. Veganism has nothing to do with whether or not the food is cooked. It only means that the food is not animals based.  

  3. If that were true than the Post Punk Kitgchen and Sarah Kramer would be out of business! There is a Vegan Raw diet but vegan by definition only means that you do not eat anything of animal origin. The raw food and macrobiotic diets are different matter altogether.

    Seriously, research Sarah Kramer's cookbooks and anything the Post Punk Kitchen makes, their Vegan Cupcakes Take over the World willl ensure that you can be fat, vegan, and happy :)

  4. No. That's dumb.

    It would stop the food from being raw (duh) which many people view to be the ultimate form of veganism.

    However, when you cook veggies its not as if the heat is adding animal by-products.

    Is all a vegan is, is someone who doesn't consume ANY animal flesh, or by products, doesn't wear fur or any other animal by product used for fashion/cosmetics, and they do not contribute to companies who test on animals

    Furthermore, there is a new study that shows lightly steaming certain veggies actually increases their nutritional value.

  5. If you are just cooking vegetables alone, then you can still eat it.  Just don't use animal products.  

  6. no...

  7. your friend need to start getting knowledge instead of saying ignorant claims with no base nor reference.

  8. A Vegan refrains from any animal products. Just so you know, theirs more to being a vegan than dairy, eggs and meat. Theirs alot of different animal ingredients youll find in alot of things.

    Wehter you cook the food or not, is no matter of being a vegan. That would be the raw food diet your friend is thinking of. Their are people who eat only raw foods, and cooking the veggies or anything else would no longer be raw.

  9. Not true at all, unless you're cooking the vegetables in chicken broth, or something else that is animal derived.

  10. Veganism means not eating anything derived from animals: meat, dairy, eggs, honey, etc.

    Rawism is a separate philosophy applied on top of that, the idea that raw food is healthier.

    Raw vegans make up only a small portion of vegans.

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