
Is it true if you feed a seagull alka-selser will it explode?

by Guest34209  |  earlier

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Is it true if you feed a seagull alka-selser will it explode?




  1. i dont know about alka-selser, but its true with coke

  2. omg u r sick ppl.

  3. Its true. I saw it on Mythbusters!!!

  4. You have been reported.

    Get off of this board, all of you disrespectful idiots.

  5. No

  6. dad actually showed me this when I was a kid.

  7. Absolutely!!!!

    No I'm kidding.

    If you did this to one it would become sick and when it's bowls are rotteng the tablet could cause a chain reaction with the chemicals in your bowels  to make lieke heaps of miniature explosions. this is only a theroy. Don't believe it 100%

    I just thought of this man don't pick this as best answer cuz im not completely sure!!!

  8. well the rice myth with birds is false and there is a little insert about how alka seltzer doesn't hurt seagulls either.

    heres a letter from alka selter on the subject

    they report no findings.

  9. I doubt it. Please don't try it.

  10. No it's not true.  It's a ridiculous myth.

    Alka seltzer is alkaline.  It's neutral, and used to neutralize stomach acids.  It does not cause explosions.

    Further, birds are able to burp, and vomit - this is how they feed their young.  If they were to ingest an Alka Seltzer tablet, they would simply regurgitate it.

    This stupid myth came from New Jersey, where it is illegal to feed gulls on the boardwarks.   I have heard that the myth actually started because of a silly television commercial made by Alka Seltzer in the 1960's or 70's.

    Another poster mentioned Coke.   This is also a myth.  Here is the truth, and it has nothing to do with birds.   If you put an Alka Seltzer tablet or Mentos into a bottle of soda, seal the bottle, shake it up and throw it - it will explode.  If you're lucky, it won't bounce back and smash you in the face like all of the videos I've seen.

    The only reason it explodes is because the bottle is sealed, and does not allow for the expanding gasses.  Birds are not filled with soda or "sealed".  They can release any excess gasses by burping.

    There is a similar stupid myth that involves rice.  People stopped throwing rice at weddings due to human safety concerns.  Walking on rice and high heels is like walking on marbles.   In addition, rice attract birds, expecially pigeons.  The birds eat the rice and p**p everywhere.  Pigeons also caused problems by roosting on the churches and nearby buildings.   This is why rice is no longer used at weddings.

    Rice does not make birds blow up, on the contrary, many birds eat rice as a normal part of their diet.

    If any of these stupid myths were true, there would be a million videos showing exploding birds on YouTube.  There are NONE.

  11. haha yeah im pretty sure thats true. my science teacher told me that

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