
Is it true if you m********e before excersise you'll get tired more quickly?

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Is it true if you m********e before excersise you'll get tired more quickly?




  1. hmm well think about it..... you usually get more tired after s*x dont you? or what about after you m********e? so it wouldnt change if you exercised afterwords. if you were tired when you dont exercise then yes ur gonna be tired when u do.

    so i say yes

  2. only if you tommy tank like the devil

  3. Yes!

    have you ever heard of women complaining that her guy goes to sleep when s*x is over?  Its because after ejaculation, a males body releases some chemicals to make him tired.  

  4. I would say so, because after you o****m, all your muscles are relaxed and it makes you tired / sleepy, so if you then exercise then you will get even more tired. But if you m********e after you exercise, you will have a greater o****m, and you should enjoy it more.

    I hope I have helped!

  5. Yes because an o****m releases a enzyme that soothes and relaxes your body. It also releases tension in your body.  So you are exercising but your body wants to relax. If you m********e after exercising you will enjoy both benefits.

  6. Try it and see. If you don't, than you are truly legend.

  7. Haven't found that to be true...

  8. It possibly lowers testosterone levels on some guys enough to make them a bit more tired . But for most guys any s*x before exercise wont have any real effect

    So if you are in the mood to knock one out then go ahead  

  9. no of course it doesn't that's an old fashioned idea in fact if you had a quick w-nk and then went out and ran 200 yards you'd probably do it quicker because your all worked up

  10. I'd say its true. Probably because the whole body tenses, and a whole lot of energy is used to ejaculate. Think about it, the whole body tenses when you ***.

    It'll take a while for the body to recover.

  11. Masturbation is pretty good exercise in itself.

  12. come again?? hahahaha get it?

    seriously tho, it lowers testosterone levels so i'd say yes

  13. It takes effort to m********e for one thing, so naturally you're already tired.  For another, it temporarily uses up your your testosterone and it takes a while to replace it.  You should avoid masturbating and hot showers just before any strenuous activity to maintain peak performance.

  14. probably. after you w@nk serotonin is released from your pitutary gland which makes you sleepy and happy. so playing sports immediately after might not be great, but it shouldn't cause such a problem at all.

    personally though, i like to go to sleep as soon as i can after i ejaculate! :) thats the way of a real man! lol

  15. Masturbation is a form of sleeping pill. I'm serious. It helps you relax and want you to go to sleep...I you actually still wanna cuddle after s*x? You just wanna go to bed.

  16. thats the first ive heard

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