
Is it true if you re-name your horse you get bad luck? cause i did. =[?

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my best friend told me if you re-name you horse you will get bad luck and she read it in her book aswell. My horse is called Slim and i changed it to Slim Dusty, but i still kept calling him Slim. A couple days later he started a head shaking problem. Vertically only. I want him to get better otherwise my parents want to sell him. I have four weeks to prove to them he can get better =[

please help if you have any ideas. The vet said nothing is wrong with him, but she thinks it is in the brain?




  1. it's not bad luck

    but it is very embarassing to f**t in class while eating a potato

  2. first off thats not really a big name change, but my horse died a month after i changed its name. but its just me. i am never changing a name. head shaking problem, can be solved talk to your trainer.

  3. head shaking can also mean pain, if you can get the vet to check his teeth, or have a closer lok at your tack does the bridle fit or does it rub

  4. I renamed my mare and a few weeks later she put me in hospital. Her name originally was Alice, but Chubby Brown came into my head whenever I called her that, so it HAD to be changed! I called her Ramalah. After hospitilizing me, she double barrelled my hubby through a fence. I sold her to a really good friend and told him everything about her nasty personality, and sure enough, she tried to bronco him over a motorway bridge! Things went from bad to worse and she was sadly destroyed at 4yrs of age. Your name change is not a huge change, so I would not concern yourself with that. I would however, check his teeth and bit. If everything is fine there, there are some nice netting covers to cover his nostrils when you ride out. It may be that he has an allergy to something?

  5. I've never heard of it being bad luck!

  6. Re-naming a horse is common and is not related to things that happen to you after you do the re-naming.  That is just silly stuff.  The vet said "nothing is wrong but it's in his brain".  That doesn't make sense so I'm unsure of what that means.  If he is a true headshaker, it is a neurological disease of basically unknown origin and there is no cure.  Sorry to hear it.

  7. Old wives tale.  Changing a name of a horse can be an wonderful thing and you didnt' change it that much.  

    Try doing ear slides.  Put your thumb on the inside of his ear at the base with your bent index finger on the outside of the ear and slide from base to tip over and over again until you cover the entire ear.  This works all the accupressure points of the body and can help balance him out.

  8. Yes!

  9. No.  I have found it to bring better luck if anything cuz it cuts the ties to the past.  Your horse sounds as if he has a nervous issue... needs more confidence to stop a bad habit.

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