
Is it true in 2048 white people will be the miniority and if it is true how do you feel about it as a white?

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  1. Nope.... If you take into account White-Hispanics (mostly Cuban exiles) we will still be at 50%.

    A lot of Half-Mexican casts just look White anyway... I think they will go the same way as Native U.S-Americans. Their genes will simply become absorbed into the White-American gene pool.  

  2. yeah. we will be a minority thanks to people like me, who marry into a different race and have half mexican, half white children.

    it's not just true for the white folk.

    it's true for all races.

    pretty soon everybody will be the same race... and that means everybody will be every race. :) kind of like how white people are just "white" now, we're not "irish" or "british" or "italian" or anything anymore. i'm Canadian, but only because i KNOW my entire family line is French-Canadian. and there are very few of us who are still one breed or race anymore...

  3. White people are already a minority. Look around the world, asians are the majority.

  4. thats only 40 years away.... someone better get busy

  5. Well thanks to the minorities having way too many babies out of wedlock. Let's not for get about Hispanic illegals coming here to have kids so the can suck up our tax dollars! If welfare was reduced drastically,America would be a better place to raise your kids.  

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