
Is it true in the pass people thought the black race were talking monkeys?

by Guest59544  |  earlier

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Is it true in the pass people thought the black race were talking monkeys?





    Evolution has changed all that.

  2. Not that I am aware of.  Keep in mind that Black and whites have been interacting since the beginning of recorded history.  There are even many images of Jesus that show him to be a black or at least dark skinned man (which makes sense if you look at where he came from).

    There have been times when Racists Europeans and their descendants have thought that blacks may not be any more intelligent than monkeys - which actually just showed their own lack of intelligence.  Many such ideas originate in the fear of the unkown - it is easy to not give credit, or consider equal someone that you are able to degrade in some way.  The same actions continue today where someone is trying to "prove" their superiority over someone else.

  3. It is true.  In the past, people thought just about every idiotic thought and still do.  Black is not a race by the way.  There are ******, bushmen, pymies, melanesians, etc that are "black".  The ***** race is probably closer to caucasions than to bushmen or pymies in my opinion.  The ***** race is one of the most recent races and is only several thosand years old, reportedly.  Much of the Bantu expansion into African was happening in historic times.

  4. Every human is a talking monkey.

  5. Yeah they (the so called scholars and cranilogist) were pretty stupid back then.

    Before that they thought the earth was flat...

    There're are tons of things they miseducated many on.

  6. no just different.

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