
Is it true male cats spray?

by  |  earlier

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if so why and what can you do to prevent it?




  1. True- Yes.

    Why?- To mark their territories to other cats, and to attract lady cats.

    Prevention?- Only prevention is NEUTERING. End of. Spray stinks to high heaven and they don't care where they do it.

  2. Yes, to mark territory.

    Neuter the cat.  

  3. Yeah, Its true. I had a male cat inside and it Sprayed like everything. You gotta get their balls chopped off, when they do that. Then they stop. Its hard to get rid of the smell.

  4. Yes, and so do rabbits.

    Do prevent it you must neuter them. :]

  5. Male cats spray in order to mark their territory and to attract mates.

    Neutering the male cat can stop them from doing this, but must be done early before they follow their instincts and get into the habit of doing this.

    Vets are able to neuter animals at younger and younger ages thanks to developments in technology.  I would look into it as soon as possible.

  6. even AFTER you neuter a male cat, they can spray....its best to neuter him while hes very young, as early as the vet will do it, so his instinct never kicks in.

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