
Is it true males determine what s*x your baby is???

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Is it rue that the guys sperm cells can be the one s that determine if you have a boy or girl?




  1. it sure is!

  2. Yup, it's true.  

  3. yes!

  4. Yep.

    Pretty neat right?

  5. Yes very true =)

  6. Yes. Which is quite comical, when you think about Louey the 8th (or was is the 14th?) who got rid of all the women who wouldn't "bear him a son."

    When in reality, it was his "fault."

    Oh, stupidity.

  7. Yes it is true! Think of all the poor women back in the Henry VIII era that had their heads chopped off bc they couldn't produce male heirs and it was the man's fault all along!!  

  8. Yes,  A woman's eggs all carry and X chromosome.  The sperm from a man is either a X or a Y chromosome. The sperm that gets in to the egg first will determine the s*x of the baby.  If the X gets there it is a girl, if the Y gets there it is a boy.

  9. Yes, women have 2 X chromosomes - therefore they always donate an X.  The men have one X and one Y - therefore he can donate either an X or a Y - if he donates an X it's a girl, if he donates a Y it's a boy.

  10. Yes, a women carries an X chromosome always. The guy either gives her another X to make a girl or a Y to make a boy. XX=Girl, XY=Boy

  11. Yes it is, the female determines how many babies there will be

  12. Yes they carry the chromosome that determines whether you'r carrying a boy or a girl. I smiled when the ultrasound tech. explained that to my hubby who was in total shock that I was preggo with a girl

  13. yes they do lol we carry the first part of the XX or XY and they carry the last part, i remember this because my husband wanted a boy and we're having a girl and he blamed me lol and i told him it was all him lol

  14. Sort of.  Yes the gametes from the male have the female and male chromosomes that determine the s*x of the fetus.

    HOWEVER, there is some evidence that healthier women have more male fetuses.  That women who skip breakfast and eat a poor diet, especially if it's poor in protein have more female fetuses.  That not living with your partner gives female conception the leg up.  

    And there is evidence that gorillas and chimpanzees in captivity have a preponderance of male babies, more then should occur due to random fertilization.  This is thought to be due to the moms having a good diet and that in terms of reproduction strategies female babies have a greater chance of having grandbabies for that mom, but a mom with a male offspring is either going to have no grandbabies from that male or far more then if he were female.  Or in other words, females mean guaranteed reproduction in that daughter since it takes less energy (calories and care) to raise a female for a guaranteed offspring while a male takes more energy and may or may not get a chance to reproduce.  You say so, we're not apes?  Gosh, we are apes and we are closely related to gorillas and chimpanzees, so what may be true for them is probably true for us as well.

    So, your body gets some chance to decide s*x by favoring type of sperm via vaginal secretion and selective shedding of fertilized eggs and you have no choice in what sperm fertilizes your egg.  And we have no conscious choice in the matter.

  15. Yup.  You already have a x chromosome and his sperm carry x and y.  If a x meets up with your x then you have xx=girl.  If his y meets up with your x you have xy=boy!

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