
Is it true muslim wives have to WATCH their husbands in heaven deflower the virgins????

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and if thats true how does it make you feel? would you WANT to watch and call that heaven and closeness to God???




  1. Firstly, heaven, in Islam, is suppose to be the ultimate reward.  72 virgins thing is a bit wrong, because wouldn't those virgins stop being virgins after a guy is done with them?  do they get replaced?

    In heaven, it's suppose to be so rewarding, its incomprehensible.  Yes, a man could basically create what he would believe is the perfect women, and go to town on her, even if he was married to a women from the age of 18-90.  But in heaven, it's not gonna matter, to either of them, for whatever reason.  It's ultimate reward, and God, who is able to make anything happen, can make it so that jealously won't be a factor.

  2. its just something that sick fantasists wish happens but no god would allow that to go on it heaven

  3. If marriage is so sacred, there's no way that in Heaven *anyone* would be able to cheat on their wives, much less right in from of them, no matter what brainwashers and fanatics say. It's plain common sense!

  4. No, obviously, its not true. That's nowhere in the Book. There are no 72 virgins, etc...The Book says Pure Companions, and they're both male and female. It just means pure, innocent companions,describing the people of heaven. That's it.

    People make up what they like without checking it out.

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