
Is it true or not???¿¿¿???

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Is it true that plugging in game console (like ps2, xbox, wii, etc) to T.V.s causes damage to the T.V.???

I ask because my mom does not want me to plug up my ps2 to her T.V. when i go over to her house, claiming that it will ruin her T.V.

I want to get proof to show her, true or not.

can you help me figure this out??? thanx=)




  1. well a plasma would be bad because of burn in and the old rear projection i heard was bad but other then that i think its ok  

  2. No, now firstly, why would they design a game console the way it is to damage a tv. And if she is worried about a burn-in, which means if the same picture is on the television for an extended period of time,it WILL happen, but as long as when you are done with the game you are playing and you don't just leave it there for more than like a day or two, then there is no problem at all. Just be cautious, because if you're mom is like mine, she would KILL me if something like that happened.

  3. Your question has two answers.

    The technical one Does a video game system hurt a TV set?  NO NO! NO!!  The technical specifications of a video signal are identical to that of a standard TV signal after the TV processes the channel information and converts the RF signal to video. In fact the video signal requires less work for the TV set.A TV does not have to process amplify, and decode the TV signal and change it to video, this is already done by the video game. A video games output is the same as that of the VCR (when used in the video mode).  

    Video games were MADE to play on a TV set.  Video games have been around since the 1970's. PONG, Atari 2600, and others.

    Ask your Mom if she ever played Pong or any Atari game.

    The TV set is just like a computer monitor (less the channel capturing/processing).  A Computer monitor is not hurt by a video signal so neither is a TV set.

    The only possible problem is that of burn in if you leave the TV set and game on for  weeks with the SAME (non-moving) picture on the screen.

    Two - Mom says NO. That should be enough of a reason.  She probably does not want you playing video games when you visit. What she said about the hurting the TV MAY have been just an excuse. She just does not want you playing games at her house.  Her House - Her Rules.  Just live with it.  Find something else to do at her house.

  4. no it does not

  5. not true. i have owned every game console that has come out since I was 5 and have always hooked up my consoles to the tv. needless to say I have the same TV I have been using since I was 12 and my PS3 is now hooked up to it. I am now 25.

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