
Is it true rubber can be helpful to not get struck by lightening,...?

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rubber shoes,tires,...




  1. Tires on a car has nothing to do why it is safe to be in a car.  The metal around you creates a faraday cage.  The metal around the car protects you.  Look on this site for more info on a faraday cage.

  2. Just to add, if you did want to be protected by rubber, it would have to be thick. On the order of a mile or so, so says my ATMS prof

  3. Yes it is true. Rubber insulates the wearer or the auto or the airplane (on the ground) from making a complete circuit to ground. Therefore it makes these vehicles lightning proof.

    Airborne an airplane can still attract strikes but usually not enough to cause catastrophe.

  4. While rubber is an electric insulator, it's only effective to a certain point. The average lightning bolt carries about 30,000 amps of charge, has 100 million volts of electric potential, and is about 50,000°F. These amounts are several orders of magnitude HIGHER than what humans use on a daily basis and can burn through ANY insulator (even the ceramic insulators on power lines!) Besides, the lightning bolt may just have traveled many miles through the atmosphere, which is a good insulator. Your ½" (or less) of rubber will make no difference

    Most people believe the rubber tires on a car are what protect a passenger during a lightning strike. Ironically, it’s not the rubber tires of the car, but the conductive metal framing which protects the vehicle occupants.

      The truth is, the rubber tires don’t deter lightning in the least bit. By the time a lightning bolt reaches your car, it has been traveling for miles and miles through the air which is many orders of magnitude more resistant than a few inches of rubber. So if the lightning bolt can overcome the resistance of air, it can easily overcome the resistance of a rubber tire.

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