
Is it true..stimulus money is a loan from China by the U.S. this is what I heard?

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Is it true..stimulus money is a loan from China by the U.S. this is what I heard?




  1. whoever told you that is wrong

    the stimulus money comes from the us govt

  2. I don't know but it wouldn't surprise me.

  3. The stimulus money comes from the US gov't.

  4. Not directly, but indirectly for sure. We borrow money from China and "ship it of to Saudi Arabia." Thats a crude simplification analysis, so read my source link by Thomas Friedman. The famous NY Times Columnist and author of "The World is Flat."

  5. As the above answer stated, while not directly from China, the fact of the  matter is that the USA is utterly bankrupt and borrows billions every day just to stay in operation. And yes, a lot of this money is in the form of loans from China.

    And yes, since no new taxes were put in place for this "stimulus" money, it's being borrowed from somewhere. Basically its a loan from your children and grandchildren, since they will have to pay off this loan with interest.

    Obviously this situation is utterly unsustainable, and the country going further into debt isn't going to help any. Borrow and spend" is what Bush does best though, in fact there's never been a president and only a few leaders in history who have so lavishly borrowed money while in office. There is no problem that can't be solved by borrowing more money and throwing it at it in the Bush world.

    Going to be an interesting few years ahead.

  6. What's the difference where it comes from. I'm sure all the people who hate Bush will refuse the check.. They won't accept his blood money.

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