
Is it true that 10% of black people are in prison?

by  |  earlier

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I heard it on the radio but I think it is over exaggerated




  1. no this is not true. There are less black men in prison than that. There are more black men going to college than going to jail. But the white folks media is going to feed you the stereotype that all black men sell drugs, have like 12 kids by 5 different women and don't take care of them and that all black men go to jail. White folks want you to believe these stereotypes because they want to keep the black man down mentally because he knows that the black man is smarter and more capable than he is. BTW I'm not a racist I am just telling it like it is.

  2. maybe they mean 10% of prisoners are black

  3. Maybe black males of a certain age group, possibly from certain areas of the country.  You may have left out a few details there.

    The internet is a wonderful resource.  Try searching.

    Edit:  Looks about accurate:  approximately 10% of black males in 20s and early 30s are incarcerated.  Unfortunate, but true.

  4. of course its not true. I believe there's only 3 million Americans in prison. ANd there's around 40 million African Americans

  5. i don't believe you

  6. I don't know if dat is true but da system love puttin' my beautiful black brothas in jail.

  7. There is only 12% of us in the U.S. It doesn't seem likely.  

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