
Is it true that 6 months is too early to start breeding a guinea pig? what is too early?

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becouse if it is really young sometimes they panic and actually eat there young.




  1. i think they need to be a year

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with Alissha's answer. She is not trying to be hard on you, but she wants you to consider the consequences of what you are thinking of doing. Sometimes that means being blunt and laying the facts out as they really are.

    Please don't be a contributor to the overpopulation of guinea pigs in shelters and rescue centres. Be part of the solution! :)

  3. If you don't know the answer to this you should not be breeding.  If you don't know that guinea pigs are not like hamsters, and don't eat their young, then you should not be breeding.

    Essentially, don't breed.  You clearly have no idea what you are doing.  Breeding carries a 20% chance of your female dying.  If she has complications she will need immediate vet care and possibly a c-section.  This will cost hundred of dollars, even up to a thousand+ depending on where you live.

    There are many guinea pigs dying in shelters every single day.  The world does not need more guinea pigs that are bred by people who have no idea of the health history of the lines they are breeding.  I highly doubt you have health information if you don't know the correct breeding age.

    Take a look at this page:

  4. Any age is a bad age to breed:

  5. Now they should be breed at 6months,  after that there is a chance they could die because there valve thingy closes. My guinea pig had hers at about 6 months, we didn't know she was going to have them (her ''girl friend'' was really a boy). When we found out she had gave birth we took the male out, he will eat them, but not there mom.

  6. no not unless u have a waiting list 4 the babies. this is why piggies and other pets r dieing on da street! NO BACKYARD BREEDING!

  7. "Female - The female piggy is capable of having babies from about a month or so old but obviously is only a baby herself so to breed from her at such a young age would be completely irresponsible at the very least !! She should be bred from for the first time, at approx. 5 - 6 months of age and be a weight of over 500g. She must have her first litter before she is 10 months old - as after this the pelvic bones fuse together and the mother will more than likely have problems giving birth to the babies, this may result in the death of both mother and the babies. You may have heard the term 'Dystocia' - this is when the young are too large to pass through the pelvic canal during the birthing process, this could be because it is a small litter and the babies are very large, the babies could be deformed and cannot fit through the birth canal or it could be because the pelvic bones have fused and there is simply no space for the babies to pass through."

    "Males - Although the males are capable of breeding at about 4 weeks of age it is best to wait until about 5 months old - when they have developed themselves. "

    "The decision to breed from your beloved pet guinea pig should not be taken lightly - really think about why you want to breed her and weigh up if it is worth the risk of possibly losing either the mother and/or babies through complications, or ending up with baby guinea pigs you cannot home to good and loving people. These may end up going to the local petshop to be bought by someone who you would not home one to directly, and may end up abandoned or at best, in a rescue centre - which already house plenty of pigs needing homes."

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