
Is it true that 9/11 was an inside job or is this just a reeeeally big media fing, like a youtube cult lol?

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Holes in the main story and contradictions verify that the official story WAS NOT the truth? I mean, Benazir Bhutto sed bin laden was murdered, the recent video of him is a total pathetic fake by the administration, and the audiotape that came like a day after was so not him!!!! It's not even close. So how come we see no uprising against the government about this? Many audiotapes of bin laden are faked yet they r obviously nothing like his voice anyway. They r lying to us (im british not american but still its lying to the world)!!! The idea of keeping him alive wen he's not is good for Bush and he died n had a funeral right? They quickly suppressed Saudi Arabia's typhoid august 2006 funeral source!!! I know the administration is liars and Iraq war was for oil, but isnt the 9/11 thing going too far? R u conspiracists just a bunch of seriously angry rebellious bigoted nutjobs?




  1. Wow. Talking about having your head up your rear end, eh?

    Hey, buddy, diversify your sources before you make up your mind.

    It's very simple: When there are two statements contradicting each other one of them is false. Read, read, read to find out which one is it.

    I mean, do you suffer from paranoia or something?

  2. it is inside job, but youtubers just spend way too much time on youtube

  3. Inside job to help kick start the next phase of a one world government .Why is it that there was never any plane parts found at the pentagon and shanks ville?Check out  the movie Zeitgeist. educate yourself on this and question authority.Ever heard of the North American Union? This is a key importance to the  plan.

  4. The truth will come out one day, it has a habit of doing so, after all those people, who became disgustingly wealthly because of it, are long gone. Come on guys, look at the evidence, no, really look, pretend its not about you, pretend its a different country, now would you truly believe that not just the two towers which were directly hit by the planes, but a tower 300 yds away, sustaining several fires, would implode in the exact same way as those two towers?  I know you are clever people, check it out for yourselves!

  5. it wasnt an inside job. people on the inside did s***w up. they didnt report stuff and that junk, but it wasnt an inside job.

  6. This is the worst I've ever seen.  If bin Laden was dead, Bush would be gloating like he just won the Superbowl, not trying to hide it.  He'd get way better approval that way.

    I highly doubt America would do a 911 to themselves.  If they wanted to attack Iraq so bad, they could have just used any number of excuses like they did when Iraq attacked Kuwait, after asking America's permission.

    The conspiracy is blaming and attacking every country for these terrorists except the one they all came from.  All conspiracies come down to one common, obvious detail - money.

  7. If iraq war was just for oil. how come its never been more expensive. We are the only country to go to war and never bring home the spoils of war. I dont get it at all.

  8. I've been following this scenario ever since 9/11.

    You may be already across it, but check out my source link ..

  9. if 9/11  was a fake then i wish you would tell all of the families of those psgrs. who died on the planes jut where they are--i'm sure they would want to know just as soon as you can tell them because you seem to know everything.  how bout the ones that crashed in washington and the one in penn. why . dont you ask the airlines where their planes are. all planes have a number.   you are pathetic.  you seem to think you know it all--- but  you are nothing but a stupid *** full of b/s

  10. 9/11 was NOT an inside job. those nutjobs are seriously off their f*cking rocker.

  11. OH oh another conspiracy theory - what would we do if one of these didn't show up every other day.........

    I blame racing  stupid for all this ...or the need for attention

    I answered this same thing like 3 months ago .....

    Elvis and Nixon piloted the first plane

    Reagan and Groucho Marx was in the second plane

    Amelia Earhart did all the navigation

    Harry Houdini did the slight of hand so it only

    appeared that the planes crashed into anything

    A UFO crashed into the Pentagon

    Now they are all alive and well , laughing at the rest of us,

    Sipping Bacardi in the Bahamas daily

  12. Holes in the main story and contradictions prove nothing except that there may be areas that need extra examination.

    To claim that it makes the explanation false is not supported by any process of logic.

    Please try again!

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