
Is it true that 95% of statistics are made up?

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Okay everyone’s heard people make a claim similar to “95% of statistics are made up on the spot”. At the same time, most of the time when I see statistics I’ve seen references to a peer-reviewed science or medical journal, where the people who submit the journal article have to have their work evaluated before it’s even allowed into the science or medical journal. In order to publish in these journals, it’s required to say how others can replicate your work. They have to give a detailed description of the methods they used, every step of the way, and all their results and if it was statistically significant. What they do is up for public verification. So it almost seems like it would be quite difficult and at the same time would be quite stupid to willy nilly make up statistics right on the spot.

Where does this “95% of statistics are made up on the spot” come from, and how valid is it?




  1. I know where this statement of "95% of statistics, etc." came from.   You made it up.    I actually doubt that 95% of statistics are made up, but some are, and others can be misleading because they don't take all factors into account.

  2. It's a joke.  Where do you think they got the 95%?  Do you think somebody did a study on how often people actually make up statistics?

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