
Is it true that ALL boxers are sent to the hospital after a match because of internal damage?

by  |  earlier

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my teacher told me this. he said "after EVERY match" they're sent to the hospital.

if they're not, then what do some boxers do after a match to recover?




  1. It's true that every fighter has to be checked by a medical physician after each bout. Whether the fight gets hit one time or two hundred times, it's done for precautionary measures. You never know..... it could be the one punch that may give a person a life changing experience. One of the biggest concerns in sports, especially violent ones are head injuries that one could suffer and a boxer in many cases absorb severe hits, which is the reason for the check up.

  2. yeahh ! they do get checked out ! but if everything is okay, i usely go out and have funn with my team or go home and lay around :P

  3. Yes it's true, even if the fighter wins, thats part of boxings governing bodies rules, it is MANDATORY that every fighter must be checked by a licensed medical physician aka a Dr. not many people realize this rule. i notice the answers above me said no, but i will try to find the actual written rule and post here. it first started sometime in the 70's i think maybe the 60's

    Edit: okay so i was wrong, it started in the early 80's, 1981 to be axact, i just found some info on this site.

  4. Typically in professional boxing bouts they are at a minimum viewed by a doctor to evaluate if any serious damage has occurred as a precaution, not necessarily sent to the Emergency Room as you are thinking.

  5. Only if you take a beating.

  6. All boxers who fight under sanctioned rules in the United States are checked out by a doctor after the fight.  In MOST cases, the checkup is held at the venue of the fight - not at the hospital.

    However, in particularly brutal or vicious fights, both fighters are generally taken to an actual hospital for overnight observation, as a precautionary measure.

    As far as recovery, most fighters get some ice and aspirin and take a week long vacation.

  7. I doubt it because most fights don't result in severe injury. if this is true it would only be for a safety check just to make sure everything is ok but the majority of fights happen without the need of medical assistance. Only particularly brutal fights end like that

  8. yes, because it is the rule to check up their injuries.. they need to check up in order to be safe

  9. No, just the ones I hit in the ribs.

  10. of course not!!!

  11. How does the guy above that said only if the ribs are hit?  Are you retarded or do you just pull anwers out of your *** how did you become a top contributor. Coming from soneone who has actually boxed yopu do have to get checked out even if it wa a one hit quit also must have head checked every so many fights depending on the state.  So I've never answered one of these I was just enraged that you are so stupid but write it like you know it.

  12. I would think not.  The boxer has to pay for the medical costs out of pocket, and they actually don't get paid enough to visit the hospital.  There is no health plan,  I read somewhere that the neurological testing is keeping many guys from getting started.  When the brainscan costs more than the purse for a prelim fight, there's no point.

    2 guys that can't exist in today's fight game are Larry Holmes and Marvin Hagler.  Both men made very little cash for their early fights.  If either Larry or Marv had to pay for a brainscan for each fight, they would have hung up their gloves to work at a carwash or bowling alley where the overhead is zero.

    Where are boxing's next Hagler and Holmes?  Working 40 hours a week in a factory and hitting their punching bag in the garage on weekends.

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