
Is it true that American parents in U S A do not want their children to know evolution of man from ape ?

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from an article published in a news paper.




  1. I think is true,but just very religious man want to their children are here because that Jesus want it :D

  2. Yes.  There are many people in the US who are very ignorant to evolution and to science in general.  Many don't even understand what a theory is and act as if it is negative for evolution to be a theory.  Those same people don't seem to have problems with theories like gravity, germs, molecules, or cells.

  3. Bravozulu is correct.  Most parents want to their child taught science in science class.  That would be evolution.  Creationism can and should be relegated to Sunday School.

  4. Not exactly.  American parents don't want children to be taught the evolution of man from ape as FACT.  It's the old tug-of-war between creationism and Darwinism, but what has been happening in public schools is children are not being told that Darwinian evolution is THEORY.  Instead, they're being told "this is how it happened" and snubbing their noses at Christianity in the name of separation of church and state.  That's what has the noses of so many American parents out of joint.

  5. to some degree it all depends on religion and personal theorys i myself believe man evolved from ape

  6. I am a Canadian teacher and I have to teach the subject in my HSP3M and HSB4M courses: Anthropology, Sociology and Psychology classes.  

    Here is my take.  I tell the students that I don't believe in Darwin's Theory of Evolution ... Secondly, the board that I teach is a private school.  So let's have fun with looking at a variety of creation theories: the bible, Darwin's, First Nation's peoples beliefs, !Kung San, Xai/xai creation stories...and here is the kicker, NOW TELL me WHAT YOU Believe in...that is the difference between theory, and opinion.  Now, tell me how you are going to argue your opinion (make sure that you only use FACTS) to support IT.  

    As an educator, can I get in trouble for this approach ... NO, because I am not tell the students what is right or wrong...I'm just saying open you eyes to a number of theories and provide me with your fundamental beliefs... I think this is how all of the courses should be taught...

    Research the SCOPES trial... this is where it all began!!!!!

  7. they want both stories told. Not just evolution. The schools should teach both.

  8. I do not want my children to hear that lie, but I know they teach it in some form. I tell my kids it is impossible to have evolved from something that still exists, and I know they hear the truth at home and in God's word.

  9. The well informed parents don't want their children taught diatribe like that because it is balderdash!

    Modern Apes and modern Humans together with all other primates evolved separately from a common ancestor about 30 some odd million years ago give or take a few million.

    Scientists now think it might have been something we call

    Aegyptopithecus, found now mostly in modern day Egypt, hence the name. He is thought to have preceded the divergence between old world monkeys and hominids.

    So, informed parents do not subscribe to religious misconceptions about evolution.

    At least, that would be my guess.

  10. I am sure where ever you are from has Muslims or some fundamentalist Christians that don't accept some basic science.   You could make that statement about any country on Earth.

  11. Not all of them.  That's mostly religious people, usually in the South where all the redneck "bible-thumpers" are.  Some people here are so religious that they find it preposterous when people question the brainwashing that has been done by a book that was written 2000 years ago by people who thought the world was flat.  Most people accept evolution because it has scientific logic and facts behind it even though they believe in god.  They think it happened, but god set the ball rolling.

  12. I guess that would be a generalization, and like all generalizations, based on its dose of relative truth

  13. I wouldn't say American Parents, I would say highly religious parents want their children to believe they evolved from the creation of Adam and Eve and God as the creator and not that we came from a primative Ape.  Though some people you can definitly tell.

  14. I certainly wouldn't, considering that man didn't evolve from "ape".

  15. Yes, it is true in much of the country, people do not believe that humans and other mammals evolved from a common ancestor.

    They would rather believe in supernatural things that have no basis in scientific fact.  They also probably still secretly believe that the earth is the center of the universe and that the world is flat.

    Personally, I would like to change the constitutional amendment to say "Freedom FROM religion"

  16. Well we evolved from a common ancestor not from any ape you would see today.  I would hope children are taught truth and scientific evidence rather than saying we appeared out of nowhere thousands of years ago.....which makes no sense at all.  We would lose 500 years of progress when religion is taught in science class.  If you want to brainwash your kids into believing fantasy then go ahead and send them to Sunday school.

  17. Don't believe everything you read.

  18. It is true that some US parents don't want their children to think that evolution is what actually happened, because then they would have to concede that they are related to apes. This upsets some people, because they see it as some sort of insult.

    However, they are just a very loud minority. The vast majority of churches, Catholic, Anglican etc accept the reality of evolution. It is mainly the Evangelical Christians that are holding on to their ignorant bliss.

    They talk about wanting both evolution and Creation taught in science in school, as if they are equally scientifically valid. In fact, on the balance of evidence, Creation would take about ten minutes at the beginning of the year to cover, evolution would require the rest of the year. I believe that is the correct balance which should be achieved. This would also require evolution to be taught in church, however.


  19. Sarge 972 obviously has never read "The origin of Species" and instead seeks to advance his own incorrect opinions on the subject.  Evolution is a fact; Pope John Paul II even accepted it.

    And for the last time, we didn't evolve from apes; we're just a member of the ape family.

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