
Is it true that Americans won't accept jobs that illegal aliens take?

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  1. illegal immigrants take the jobs americans won't do!

  2. wherame: I hope you know it is against the law to hire illegals, and pay them cheap wages like slaves and now to answer the question,

    Let’s get down to the sickening side of the “Jobs Americans won’t do.”

    John Vizzi, father of Justin Goodman in Denver, wept at a recent forum. Goodman’s mother stunned the crowd with her speech about the loss of her son to a drunken illegal Mexican whose rap sheet extended five pages. Still, no enforcement official deported the illegal for over five years.

    greasy tony, ever heard of migrant workers,legally here on work visas? Yea, well thats why we dont need illegals.

  3. For most Americans, that is not true; however, there are some Americans who are so lazy or proud that they would rather collect unemployment, disability, or live off their relatives than do a job that requires physical labor. I'm afraid that that poor attitude is more prevalent amongst young Americans than among Americans over 40.

    Most Americans want to work a job that has regular hours, benefits, decent working conditions, and fair pay. Illegals will take all kinds of abuse just to keep a lousy $6/hr job.

  4. No it's not.

  5. Untrue. However they'll need to pay a bit more.

  6. Well, what I have seen in Iowa the Hispanic (not knowing they are illegal or legal) and the Whites, Blacks, etc. I go and interpret for a place during their hiring practice and they send off all their stuff to check for this persons status like I-9 etc. I have did 8 interviews and 7 of the 8 Hispanic people still there. I asked them how many beside Hispanic people had they interviewed and they stated 15. Then I asked out of the 15 others, how many were still there....6.  The reason being either their late for work, don't call, no show, didn't like the work so they quit, sick, etc., a million excuses. So I am believing that when others than Hispanic get jobs if its not up to their standards and they quit they can blame the other.  "Before my ole papi left this sh''ty hole....You gotta be a man, and stand up and take them blame boy....not always going to be someone their to blame".  

  7. no! my husband is in construction, and my mother is a bank manager and housekeeper. i remember cleaning houses with her when i was growing up. i know at least 10 construction wokers (citizens) that have come in my work and said that they were laid off. they were desperate to get back to work...

  8. A majority of Americans will not work the hours that they work.  You can sit here and say yes you will but your lying. Americans dont want a job that is easy and dont have to put in long hours doing it.  I tried of people complaining that they are taking jobs away for you.  If you want a better job or even a job then go back school and get a degree. Its easy to blame others then it is to take a look at yourself.

  9. Indoor air conditioned jobs in small towns where there's few places to work at ......of coarse! But outdoor middle of the summer backbreaking, 14 hours a day jobs..... I THINK NOT!

    Funny how people weren't and aren't lined up to take the farm jobs of the many that need workers. Hmmmmm! please explain that one to me.

    I would paste more articles with proof, but crissa- baby boy #1 due 11/30/08 has a problem with me  posting true facts.

    Immigration's Fallout: Fewer Fresh Tomatoes?

    In a time when many Americans are facing a potential recession, why can't he find workers to fill their shoes?

    U.S. lettuce workers in short supply

    Even after offering higher wages, many farms still do not have enough workers to bring the crops in, The Christian Science Monitor reports.

    “Americans want to work five days a week, not seven. We’ve advertised all over to find backstretch workers, and we’re lucky if we get one or two. Congress seems to believe we can find Americans to do this work. Well, if they can find them, then please send them to us.”

    Border Security, Job Market Leave Farms Short of Workers

    Critics say increased wages would keep workers in the fields. Growers contend that their wages, often minimum wage plus a piece rate, are as high as they can pay and still remain profitable. Ricchiuti echoed many growers when he said local people "don't want to do the work at any price."

  10. The economy is in the crapper, CA unemployment was above 7%, American are taking whatever they can get and illegals are straining that more than ever.

    Especially since 99% of these people don't qualify for welfare in the first place.

  11. Although there is people who will do this jobs, there isn't enough people that will be willing to do the jobs illegals do.

  12. A majority of Americans will  work the hours that they work. You can sit here and say yes you will and your right, it's been proven. Americans want a job, any job and anyone telling you differently is lying. I tried of illegals taking away jobs hard working Americans need to make a living..  Not very American can afford college and for some ignorant immature young fool to justify illegal invasion by saying go to college is pathetic and show the true lack of reality pro-crime pro-illegals live in.

  13. In some cases, yes.  But only because lazy slobs are allowed to sit at home and collect welfare instead of being referred to these jobs.

    But there are also plenty of Americans willing to do the work.  I know American citizens that work in car washes, etc.

  14. Of course it isnt true.

  15. Of course people were lined up to apply.. it was in the news all over the country that they got rid of 600 employees so everyone knows they are hiring.. and look what kind of people that are lined up.. showing up to apply in jeans and a backwards baseball cap.. real professional.. looks like lazy a$$ people who were sitting at home because "not a SINGLE job in the city was hiring."

    Illegal aliens do most of the jobs that we don't feel like doing.. and do a d**n good job at it. Americans claim the don't want to do a certain job because it pays too little.. well, $7/hr is better than sitting home doing nothing!

  16. i guess the liberals have nothing but "feelings" to back up their view on immigration now

  17. No. It's not true. Americans can't afford to take those jobs because the wages and benefits are too low to afford the real cost of living. The illegals can afford to work for less because that's their only option if they want to live. A friend of mine lost his job because his cheap employer fired him to hire 2 illegals (from Brazil). He paid them what he was making and provided no benefits. How could my friend compete with that? Could you?  

  18. No, it's absolutely not true. I have done several jobs I supposedly wont do such as restaurant work,maid etc. I am currently a part time housekeeper. My grandmother used to pick oranges to help bring in money to support the family. My mother was a waitress for many years and also worked on an assembly line. There is no such thing as a job an American wont do.

  19. Come on dude, that's never been true, I have proof, I have done the work illegals do, I worked at a car wash for 1 year and did construction for 6 years.  Heck, I even worked at denny's as a buss boy in the summer in high school.  I think I took work away from the illegals, I hope they didn't get too mad.

    There is no jobs Americans won't do.

  20. No, absolutely false. I work in a factory and there were illegals there. Not anymore because ICE came and they are gone.

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