
Is it true that Australia is full of spiders even in the winter? im going but im petrified of spiders!!!?

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i mean petrified as in i freak out and run like a madman and my heart goes pounding like crazy in fear of a stupid little daddy long leg...can i stay in Australia-melbourne by the way-if im so scared??




  1. Most Australians have never seen a dangerous spider.  The last time someone died from a spider bite in Australia was in the 1970's.  It really is a non-issue here.  You should be more worried about being hit by a bus or lightning etc. so get your fear into perspective.  Just don't go putting your hand into tree hollows or under bits of wood etc. in the bush.  Just use your common sense.

  2. That was my exact fear before I went! But trust me don't worry, I heard all kinds of horror stories before I went about spiders just appearing everywhere. It's not true! I spent a year there, and besides seeing a few dust spiders (they look like daddy long legs so nothing to fear there) out of a whole year I saw one huntsman and that was on the street and I wouldnt have even seen him only someone pointed him out to me! Ok so fair enough you might see a few more than I did depending on when and where you are but that was my experience...and if you are just going there on a holiday chances are you won't see any. Hope this helps!

  3. Yes there are loads of spiders even in the winter and especially when it rains as they will come indoors.

    There are 2 that can potentially kill you-it depends on how good your immune system is, and how far away the hospital is.

    Check the fine print on your travel insurance policy to make sure Australian spider bites are covered.Some companies wont cover you because the spiders are so common.

    Make sure you sleep with a mosquito net as spiders love to crawl on the ceiling just above your sleeping body ,then absail down onto you face.

    Oop I've gotta go there is a spider crawling onto the keyboard now.

  4. Personally I have never seen a dangerous spider , we have daddy long legs in the house they trap flys in their webs and eat them for their lunch they can be easily wiped down with a feather duster if you don't want them there, they are harmless. Don't take any notice of those that say otherwise, they want to scare you. Enjoy your stay in Australia.

  5. Depends exactly where in Australia and the conditions.

    I live in Sydney and I often see non-poisonous small spiders but only come across a big bugger every now and again.

    Funnily enough, that every now and again was about an hour ago when I was on the phone and I saw a BIG spider crawling on my LEG! I screamed and hung up the phone then jumped around the room like a p*ssy LOL!

    (P.S that was no joke so you thumb downers can go eat your shorts)

  6. Yes it is. I won't even step in my garage because of them, everything i have in there is covered in red backs (poisonous), white tails, garden spider, huntsmans and daddy long legs. I live just on the outside of melbourne, we get like 1-5 to 2 cm bullants at night. When it rains, there's centipedes all over the fence and I need to shut the roller door via climbing up the fence because it's not electric. I hate insects, I have to check my bed every night before I go to sleep because I've had a white tail in my bed and it was a decent size.

  7. There's certainly plenty of them, nearly all harmless. We can't promise you won't see any - if you're really terrified of harmless spiders then perhaps it is better not to come. Seems a shame though, Oz is a great place.

  8. don't worry mate, it's not that bad!!! seriously. don't let that worry ya.

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