
Is it true that Barack Obama [The Messiah] is the one force that can stop Chuck Norris?

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Barack Obama is the Messiah and I understand the Messiah is an unstoppable force... so it makes sense that he could stop the other unstoppable force named Chuck Norris.




  1. Chuck Norris is already stopped.

  2. NOTHING can stop Chuck Norris, he's been around a long time before any of us

  3. Not only can Barack Obama stop Chuck Norris, he would use Norris' own roundhouse kick against him and kick the beard off his face.  

    VOTE OBAMA In '08!

  4. I bet if you ask Obama, he'll say, "Yes I can!"


  5. NO! Nothing can stop Chuck dare you even asses that this is possible!

  6. Uh...uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh...

    Uh...uh, uh, uh.....

  7. bruce lee owns chuck norris...

  8. heck yah

    barak doesnt do push ups - he pushes the earth down

    bad ***, nuff sed

  9. Anyone against Chuck Norris needs to be flogged publicly.  Obama is a skinny little bit<h.  Chuck would mutalate him.

  10. Boy, that's a tough one.  Chuck is pretty darn tough, but to even think about confronting The One, Lord Obama the Messiah...well he'd have his work cut out for him to be sure.  In the end though I think Chuck would prevail!

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