
Is it true that Barrack Obama once shot 44 men...?

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One of them just for snoring too loud?




  1. yes

  2. The problem with your spoof..... is it requires people to think......and possess some diverse unrelated knowledge.....not to mention a sense of humor

    Unfortunately liberals are usually "right brain" thinkers and are more inclined to respond emotionally...... it takes time for them to switch to their thinking mode

    It is "intelligent " humor which does not play well on the "unintelligent' internet

    EDIT.....I agree with you.....all these peripheral issues  are silly and often totally false.... the decision on who should be President should be based on REAL issues.....on who can lead the nation best...... I do not care if he is black......or Muslim..... an egotist.....or ANY of these other trivial issues

    What is his plan for the energy crunch? What are his plans for the economy..... etc......Can he do the job

    Given that Obamas experience level is measured in DAYS.....while McCain has served 22 YEARS at the top level of government.....has clearly deliniated his policies not just promised a vague "change"......

    For me this is an elementary student competing against a college graduate..... Obama is "cute" but I doubt he can do the job

  3. nothing better to do i see, than to think up assinine questions about

    the ''o'' man, what is it that you dislike more, hes articulate, he's

    intellegent,he's black...pick one out of the 3 choices

    bet you don't have the balls to

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