
Is it true that Biden ran for presidency (but lost) some years ago?

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I heard this today but wanted to know if it's true. Obama 2008 !




  1. Yes he ran for president in 2008

  2. Yep, he also did it this year.

  3. He did make a run in the past.

    He also tried again this time around, but didn't do well in the primary.

  4. It's true. I believe it was in 1988.  Biden was caught plagiarizing a speech by a British member of Parliament and dropped out shortly afterwards.

  5. He withdrew after allegedly plagarizing a speech he cited previously cited as being some one else's words, he didn't want to get bogged down in semantics, and he was trailing anyway.

  6. Yep. Same as McCain.

  7. Almost, he was told to go **** himself early on in the primary, just like this time.  Obama must be attracted to losers.

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