
Is it true that Bin Laden is responsible for global warming?

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I hear he is camping out in the antarctic with a ray gun melting the ice...he is in coohoose with santa.




  1. Everyone Is responsible for global warming.

  2. lol! yes, the bin laden and bush families, and the rest of the oil/arms companies, are in it together.

  3. no that was me with the ray gun.

  4. Are you stupid? How could they be working together? Antarctica is in the South Pole. Santa is in the North Pole. Jeez, get some sense in your head.

  5. Yes. I believe that they have a team of dragons under their control melting the polar ice caps too.

  6. You are kidding lol, yes you are kidding. Smile God loves you.

  7. no i do not think he is responsible for global warming however let's take a look at nuclear bomb testing around the world these bombs are very powerful and i think they have an affect on our atmosphere,oceans,and in the arctic because like the old saying goes for every action there is a reaction something to think about.

  8. Well if it were not for Bin Laden, there would be no war in Iraq, and you would not get this phony support for "global warming", when in reality they want America cut back its oil use to become more "energy independent".

  9. i just read that obesity is contributing to global warming

  10. pssst ignore the other people some of binladen spies are trying to hack and steal the haarp technology that is been developed by the us military but still a prototype and been suppressed by the worst possible outcome if this technology is been given to wrong hands we are all doomed.

  11. Him and Al Gore is working together.

  12. what would bin laden be doing in the antarctic???????

  13. Don't you know Bin Laden is responsible for all bad things in the World and His Highness George Bush is the most innocent, calm, peace-loving, nature-loving, justice-loving person in the World?

  14. No, I think the liberals created global warming and are trying to use it for a socialist take over.

  15. OH did you find out about the conspiracy??? How much do you know? What about Frosty and how masturbation caused the genocide of dinosaurs? Oh no, I've said too much. I...must...terminate...

  16. you got to be kidding... that so not relevant. how could bin laden go to the south pole and meltdown the iceberg with ray gun. his a smart guy, he will not kill himself as long as he live in this world. anyway if he started war with the "man" that is a global warming issues.

  17. By Bin Laden, I assume you mean the oil company.

    Well, no, by trying to extract the most money they can for their oil they may be keeping a cap on oil consumption, so restraining global warming.

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