
Is it true that Brown has signed away our sovereignty ?

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despite the rejection of the Lisbon Treaty by the Irish and the lack of the promised referendum.




  1. Yes,

    He lied to the British People,

  2. it's been happening since 1997 when labour got into power. blair wanted to be president of e.u. and brown wanted blair to stand down after 2 terms ( part of their bargain) in the meantime doing deals with foreign companys whilst closing down british industry. we are still waiting for our referendum but it looks like the lisbon treaty will be ratified by parliament and the british public will be well and truly sold up the river.

  3. He and Tony Blair have been signing our Sovereinty and sense of Nation away for years.

    We're truly a shadow of our former selves under this governemt. I hate what they have done with the place when we left it in their "care".

  4. The reformed treaty also know as the treaty of lisbon, is just an ammenment of other treaties,  our sovereignty was signed away many years ago BEFORE Brown.

  5. We have been sold down the river without paddles or oars

  6. Yes,when Brown signed the Lisbon Treaty he committed the most blatant act of treachery against the British people that I can remember and I am 66 years old.It gives the EU the power to overturn any future legislation that has been enacted by Parliament.

  7. Where's our promised referendum, Gord?

  8. Brown only finished what was started back in the 1970's.

  9. He ratified a dead treaty, unless Sarkozy can get them (the Irish) to have another referendum and keep having them until they say yes.

    When the French vetoed it last time it got scrubbed, I don't think the Irish have the same clout although in a democracy they should.

    Is this European democracy in action?

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