
Is it true that Camilla has an army of flying monkeys, that live in her castle with her and jug ears?

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Is it true that Camilla has an army of flying monkeys, that live in her castle with her and jug ears?




  1. So THAT'S where my flying monkeys went, the traitors.

  2. She resembles a dried apricot. I don't know about the flying monkeys, I just wanted to say that.

  3. The secrets out.

  4. No it was two Prize winning sheep that Charles bought Camilla for their first Anniversary !   YUP !!!

  5. Yes. And you must never spray water anywhere near he for fear that she melts.

  6. It would NOT surprise me

  7. Yeah...and probably she's a witch too who cast a spell on diana's driver.

  8. not really, but you have bats in your belfry...

  9. No, it's not true. She actually has an army of monkey flies, a small but irritating type of creature (which, incidentally, accurately describes old jug ears).

  10. And they all have mutant ears like Charles.

  11. Jug ears...hahahahaha!!

  12. She was willed them when her sister the wicked witch  of the west died.

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