
Is it true that Canada's future belongs to Islam?

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What will happen to the 94% of the population that is atheist? Will they convert, move to mexico, or simply be murdered?




  1. Canada's future does not belong to any religion. The 1971-2001 censuses show Canada's religious landscape becoming increasingly fragmented, and other surveys on religious behaviour show that the younger generation of Canadians is less observant than its parents or grandparents.

    In fact, the most dramatic growth is among those Canadians with no religion at all. They went from about 7-8 percent of the population in 1981 to 16 percent in 2001.

  2. You need to get out of Wonderland once in awhile Alice, would love to know where you got the idea 94% of Canadians are atheists, lol.


    Okay, sorry Alice, to answer your question then, No , it is not true so the 94or 88% are safe and don't need to move.

  3. Canada has the same proportion of muslims as the US about 2-4% each so not sure of factbook your using and tough for 2% of the population to take over anything.  I'd say its far more likely the US gets taken over by some fanatical religious group hijackling the country than Canada as we dont allow religion in our politics...

    oh wait... its already happened to you!!  

  4. Canada's future definitely does NOT belong to Islam, nor any other organized religion. It was only a decade ago when special family court considerations and proceedings were abolished from the system for Catholics and Orthodox Jews. Sharia law will never be implemented here, and the Muslim way of life will never have an influence on our judicial or educational systems. Muslims are fully allowed and accepted as part of a Canadian society, but as we are a MULTI cultural and secular public society, no one religious grouping will ever have more rights or say over another. And you definitely will not see a large portion of atheists or already other religious denominations converting to Islam. We Canadians value human and equal rights far too much.

    *Also, the 94% guesitmate is WAY off mark. Its probably hovering around 50%, with the other 50 being of various religions.  

  5. First off, who cares if Canada's future belongs to Islam. Islamic law (Shariah) is the best law out there. Most government experts agree with this. Secondly, they will not be murdered. In Islam, it is forbidden to kill someone unless in self-defense. There is a Koranic verse that specifically forbids killings. "Kill one soul, it is as if you have killed all of mankind. Save one soul and it is as if you have saved all of humanity." In Islam, it is also forbidden to force anyone to convert. Our job is to simply teach people about Islam. It is then the person's job to decide whether to convert or not.  

  6. Yahoo really needs to start demanding people pass an IQ test before they let them in. A test result of 'creature' is a failing grade. Gee A-Train. What percentage do you think would miss you?

  7. MY Canada's future certainly doesn't belong izlam.

  8. AWE COME ON!!!!!  This isn't the year 500. Get murdered.... HA!!! And if 94% is atheist, how will Islam take over if they are only 6% ?????? McCall knows more about quilting then anything else I think.............

  9. I don't think it's true. But just in case, i better get my yamuca ready.

  10. no ...

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