
Is it true that Canadians don't lock their doors?

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I'd prefer if Canadians answered this question b/c their answers would be more reliable (I don't want anyone answering "i think that's true" or "i heard that somewhere before")




  1. We lock our doors.

  2. IN the cities they all lock their doors at night and some even during the day as well.  Out in some of the rural areas there are many who do not lock their doors at all and some who do it at night only when they remember to.  I used to leave my cars unlocked when I lived in the country.  Never locked a car door for over 6 years.  It depends on the people and where they live.  Most though do lock their doors and windows.

  3. Your an idiot!!!

    How stupid can you get!

  4. No. I'm sure there's the occasional person who doesn't...but I've never met anyone who doesn't lock their doors.

  5. Lul, we never lock our front door.

    Mainly 'cause someone is always up in my house.

  6. It depends on where you live.

    I grew up in the country -- we did have neighbours in the lot next to ours.  The doors were generally unlocked all day.  Even when they were locked, everyone in the neighbourhood knew where we kept the spare key (and I could tell you where the neighbours kept theirs). Our vehicles were always unlocked.  

    Personally, I was raised to believe that if someone wanted your stuff bad enough to steal it, then let them take it -- because you could change your lifestyle and live in fear behind locked doors, but people who want to steal will just learn to pick locks. I was also taught that if something did not belong to you, you were not entitled to take it even if someone left it sitting out in plain sight.  I don't know if that's a Cdn thing, or just my dad instilling good values in his kids.

    I live in a more urban area now, but still a relatively small town.  The doors are unlocked all day -- even if I run to the store quickly.  They will be locked when we leave for the day, and generally locked at night (although we sometimes forget). We live in an area that has lots of petty theft (young kids doing dumb things), but we have never had a problem.  I suppose if someone does target our house at one point, I might start being more diligent about locking the door at night.

    When we moved into our house, we left the trunk of our car open, along with the doors on both sides.  Seems we were too excited to get into our 1st house.  Woke up in the morning -- car still there, not one thing missing. We live on a busy corner with plenty of foot traffic -- it would have been easy for someone to grab all our CDs. :)

    Sometimes people walk into my unlocked house, I do not freak out -- I do not assume they are going to rob me.  I ask politely if I could help them. They usually need to use the phone or are asking for directions.  I recognize that concept would be strange for someone from another country to understand.  Maybe we're too trusting, but it has seemed to serve us well for the last few hundred years.

  7. Most do, some don't, like a few have stated, it would really depend on where you live. Our last home where we lived for almost 8 years didn't have locks at all on the doors and our new home, while we do have locks , I can honestly say we have never used them. Mind you , we also have 2 dogs that alert when anyone comes near our place but we live in a rural area and when i lived in bigger cities, we always locked our doors. Depends on what you are comfortable with but that isnt a "Canadian" thing.

  8. Not while i`m home in the day time.but at night or if i leave i always lock in up good.When i lived in a small town never and even never took the keys out of my car.Never had any thing stolen.But if you walked into any ones home you would have to deal with there dog and they will not be friendly.Every one a at least one dog, most had two or three.If a stranger came into town it would set the dogs off like a security system warning everyone there was a stranger in town.In the city it`s different if you do not lock things up at night it may not be there in the morning.

  9. its a saying that means Canada is safer than the US. I'm sure they lock their doors. there are bad/stupid people everywhere who will steal or break in your home.

  10. I grew up in Niagara Falls, and while or front door would be locked while no one was home, odds are the back door wouldn't be, if any robber had ventured to check. I now live in a rural area outside North Bay Ontario, in a subdivision of about twenty houses spread out and separated by small woods. I never lock my doors here, but then again, I have two humongous Bull Mastiffs a robber would not want to meet if he was unfamiliar to them. Unless of course, he'd like to be licked to death.  

  11. I lock my doors. Why wouldn't someone lock their doors?

    I also have a security system. We're not stupid, you know?  

  12. What that's stereotypical that's not true. Americans have a higher obesity level too.

  13. In rural areas of provinces like Alberta, Saskatechewan and Manitobal where there is literally no one for miles around, yes, it is common to leave the doors unlocked.

    However, in any other city, definitely we lock and bolt our doors because there are too many break-ins.

  14. Depends where you live. I know some smaller and slightly out of the way places where many people don't lock their doors. But I'm not saying where those places are.

  15. No

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