
Is it true that Capricorns have an "edge" over others in their careers?

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Why or why not?




  1. Ambition rules Capricorn and they will work at their goals....stopping only for really good s*x now and again.

  2. I am cappi. i can say somewhat, in some ways yes.

    cappi isn't naturally talented. we are not born with strong vocals or intuitive powers or massive s*x appeal like some signs.

    we have an inate sense of dedication, responsability, business skills, math abilities, hard working souls, and a drive to succeed that will overcome any obstacles. we work for what we accomplish and accomplish we will. we will make whatever our goal is in life, into our lives. if we want to paint, guess what? we probably don't have better skills than other people but we will study, practice and endure what we need to in order to be the best painter we can be.

    the edge we have comes from a the natural inborn drive to succeed, continue on, keeping climbing and working. we will do what it takes and others can see that. they view our willingness and dedication as an edge over others, absolutely. we also expand our abilities into all aspects of life. we seek others help for social contacts and for stability. we seek knowledge, experience, and will fine tune ourselves to fit the career we want.

  3. Not necessarily!  All the signs can be stupid or great.  Depends on which sperm made it to the egg. :-)

  4. Utter nonsense.

  5. Capricorns have tremendous determination and ambitions.They work really hard to get what they want.They are also persistent.If commerce and accounts are their field they certainly have an edge.But if its a field like science or technology where lots of spontaneity and creativity is required they may not be as successful as the fire signs.

  6. Yes

    It's because Capricorns require a lot of responsibility, they naturally need that. Being conscientious and attentive, they rarely will stay in a "subordinate position" for long. They have good sensibility and analytical skills. They're extremely comfortable as leaders. They will tirelessly push to the top and maintain a level of control.

    It's the workhorse of the Zodiac and runs a tight ship!

  7. No Bill Gates is a Scorpio, not Capricorn! His edge, more money made than any other sign including capricorn!

  8. It depends. A lot of Capricorns are too loyal to their jobs. For that job they are loyal to they have an edge, but when it comes to acquiring other jobs they are not risk-takers so more than likely over the course of a professional career, Capricorns are not diverse in the development of their business skills. They're too one-dimensional, but for that one dimension, they are usually the best and hard to replace.

    There is definitely good and bad.

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