
Is it true that Cher will be playing "Catwoman" in the new Batman movie, The Caped Crusader? ?

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I saw this reported online today and was STUNNED!! What a role for her if this is true. I love Cher. Google it for more info, but the article said the director wants Catwoman to be portrayed as a "vamp in her twilight years". Sounds awesome, Cher and Johnny Depp??!#? WTF




  1. I read it too, I really doubt the rumor is true, I think it'll be villains that have never been on film before

  2. No. They have not even had a final announcement of a third batman film yet. So what you read was a lie.

  3. That is all completely wrong, No cher and no Depp. Sorry, but its all wrong

  4. If that's true I'll cry. Cry out of sadness and despair.

  5. The new Batman rocks!! I've voted for it on this site and got a $250 gift, try it yourself :)

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