
Is it true that China’s one child policy will eventually hurt its economy within the century?

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Even with over 1 billion chinese citizens, Ive heard that its one child policy will one day bite them in the a-s-s and slow the economy. If it's true what will it mean for them and for countries like the United States.




  1. Like it or not, the one-child policy is precisely the reason there isn't mass famine in that country like there was in the past.

  2. when that day comes, they deal with it.

  3. This will not only harm its economy but it will reduce the number of people will want to marry in the future.

  4. I think they are allowing second child in some cases. Communists as I know believe in harsh measures to solve a problem crossing limits of cruelty and this is one. One child policy is torturous to parents. It may not affect the economy but it would definitely change the national character of Chinese people from bad to worse. We might see Chinese as most arrogant and irrational which they already r.

  5. If you look at whats happening in Japan where people aren't having enough kids same could happen to China in future. Since there will be more older people than younger people you basically leave younger generation to pay for old people's medical needs, benefits, basic needs...etc. Basically running short of young workers to serve basic needs for that country.  

  6. Yes ,it probably will but who the h**l cares about a country who kills the own, takes young children away from their parents to train in the olympics and never return them.  

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