
Is it true that Christians are happier than Athiest?

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If life is mostly about being happy then why would an athiest not believe if it has been said that there is true happiness in God.




  1. Because "ignorance is bliss" doesn't sell to atheists, who tend to be smarter than theists. It takes a real fool to confuse ignorance for bliss.

    No thanks.  

  2. Happy people don't generally spend much time attacking others, in my experience.  As we see here on R&S, atheists attack Christians FAR more often than vice versa.  So, how happy can those atheists be?

    I'm very happy with Jesus as my Lord and my Savior.

  3. It would seem that you've included a few erroneous assumptions in your premise.  Acording to surveys, life may be less about happiness than finding purpose, and even if it were, the idea that one finds it in God is Christian propaganda.  One can't find it there if one does not believe.  One can be quite satisfied with a sense that one is no longer deluded by useless supernatural fanatasies.

  4. Really?  Are you asking this?

    Ok, I am a very happy person.  I don't need to share your beliefs to be happy.  If I were to blindly follow religion and pretend to believe in something that doesn't make sense, and live up to these impossible/ hypocritical standards set forth by someone I am only told to believe in because if I don't I will be punished I would be very unhappy.  Fear is not happiness.  Living is happiness, Loving is happiness, Helping others is Happiness, God does not help me with any of these things.

  5. It has nothing to do with god, christians are happy because they don't have to take responsibility for their actions or make their own decisions.

  6. Because it makes them happier not to.  To each his own, I say.  I don't think either group is happier than the other.  If you want a happy bunch, talk to the astrologers (man can they dance!).


  7. Life isn't about being happy, unless you are a cartoon character.  Life is about living, and it goes by much easier if you are happy.   Be sure that whatever makes you happy, will stand the test of time.

  8. It depends on the person.  

  9. There is a big difference in being 'happy' and having His Joy in your heart too.  ('Happiness' is just temporary.)  His Joy is eternal.

  10. Yes,I believe it's true that Christians are happier than Atheists.When you have God in your heart you will discover the real meaning of the true and pure happiness.

  11. I feel Christians have more to make them happy. An atheist has nothing because he believes in nothing so what is there for him to be happy about?

    Well, that's one way of looking at it, heehee.

  12. what do you think?

  13. Life is not about being happy.

    Life is the deciding ground for us to choose our eternity.  

  14. I would say yes. They are happier for the most part. The actual depth  of happiness may be in question. When one gives up a part of them self to a deity in trade to be excused from eternal damnation that is some sort of cosmic guarantee. So yes, they perhaps don't worry about dying so much and what will become of them.

    However the atheist can truly make peace with his life and realize that there is no second chance. The now is what is important. And perhaps they can change their own life for the better. Take a chance on investing in the self, and finding true happiness.

  15. Sorry, but happiness and "God" delusions are not a good mix for me. I prefer the natural and the real world, not the unreal and supernatural that nobody in his right mind knows a d**n thing about.

  16. Actually, I suffered from major depression as a Christian.

    My life has improved a LOT since I left Christianity.  

  17. To answer your question, no.

    My mother, cousin, and most of my family are Christian (non-denominational and spiritual, catholic, and southern baptist).  I would say my cousin is happier than I am, my mother far less happy than I am, and my grandparents are the most bitter unhappy people I know.

    Who said anything about "life is mostly about being happy"?

    People say many untrue things, why choose to believe that one over the other ten million sayings that hold unknown amounts of truth?  In my case I was christian once and mostly it just made me jaded and cynical.

  18. I used to be an atheist.  I was miserable.

    Now I'm a saved believer in Jesus Christ, and I am joyful always  :)  

  19. Yes, it is true, but satan blinds their eyes so they can't see the truth, and satan tells them that his imitation joy is it and since they don't believe in God well then satan is also doing a good job making them believe that satan  does not exist either.

  20. In my experience, neither is generally happier.  I've known happy and miserable people on both sides.  I really don't see how believing in the vengeful, voyeuristic, judgmental and sadistic seeming god of christianity would make people happy anyway.  It seems to me that economic and social circumstances are the biggest determinants of happiness.  If you're struggling just to put a roof over your head or living in an abusive home, you're likely to be miserable.

  21. this is simple -filled with the holy spirit of god =love peace and joy and a life of eternal bliss- not knowing god=deception - a false happiness - lost to the world - no chance of eternal life -but eternal h**l

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