
Is it true that Chuck Norris counted to infinity--twice?

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Is it true that Chuck Norris counted to infinity--twice?




  1. sure he did

  2. Yup

  3. and he's not afraid of the dark, the dark is afraid of him.

  4. No. It is true that Chuck Norris can't revive his tired, played out movie and television career though.

    Looks like he'll be stuck doing infomercials forever.

  5. Only because he thought they said "trinity"........1,2,3....1,2,3!

  6. YES!! And it's also true that if Chuck Norris looks in the mirror, he sees nothing...because there can never be another Chuck Norris.

  7. not chuck norris, he sucks, but walker texas ranger maybe..

  8. Yes. It is also true that he grinds coffee beans in his teeth and boils the water with his own rage!

  9. yep

    he is also the reason why waldo is hiding!

  10. yeah your right... if chuck norris looks in the mirror he'll see nothing... because hes so ugly he cracked the window with his ugliness

  11. absolutely!

    and Chuck Norris doesn't do push ups - he's actually pushing the earth down

  12. Chuck Norris kicked Infinities ***.

    That's Chuck for ya!

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