
Is it true that Colombia is great if you go for vacation but it sucks when you live there?

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A friend of my who is living here in the States with me rold me that Colombia is great when you go an visit for a while but if you have to live there it sucks cuz politicians are really corrupt, you paid taxes for evreything, the people is really noisy and disrespectful and the streets are full with holes. I don't know, he seemed kinda honest.




  1. This is a ridiculous question. Every country in the world, including the USA, has sucky areas and nice areas. Regarding the taxes, I dont know what your friend is talking about because Americans pay way more taxes than colombians. At least in colombia is you earn below a certain amount of money it's not taxed period, you can't say the same for the USA. The kidnapping rate has been drastically reduced to about 1200 for last year, and most people kidnapped are not foreign nationals, they are other colombians, mostly politicans or someone with influence. Yes there are tons of potholes in the street in colombia, and the government could do better in taking care of the streets. At the same time I live in NYC and I could give you a tour of NYC and we'd run into dozens of potholes while we were talking around, and we're not in a third world country.

    As far as the people of colombia go, yes I"m colombian and I can say that they are nicest, sweetest people I've met. Not just my family, but people who come to the states to visit are just overly nice and courteous to everyone.

  2. There is a high rate of kidnappings of foreign visitors in Colombia, so that doesn't sound like too much fun. What was his experience living there, exactly? Or did he just look at it from the taxi as he went from the airport to his hotel?

  3. Well, Colombia is not as advanced as the United States, so for an American, it probably wouldn't be as nice to live there, but it WOULD be nice to go there, see the sites, and go home.

  4. Definetely sucks to live there.

  5. Many places on earth are great to experience as a tourist for a couple weeks but eventually the tourist feeling wears off and you see things for what they really are.  Ya, some countries like that may not be so fun to live in, but every country has great places to visit.  Just about every country, yep.

  6. They don't know if you live there or are visiting when they're shooting up the town. You heard wrong.

    Good luck...

  7. I spent a few weeks in Colombia for the Navy and found it was ok as far as S. America goes. Cartagena is the country's tourist destination so it's a lot nicer than the rest of the country and is relatively safe. Don't go to Bogota. I had to ride around in a bullet proof car while I was there. The kidnappings you hear about are mostly rich locals and political people. Normally tourists aren't bothered. But I wouldn't go walking down any dark streets too.  I enjoyed Lima, Peru and Panama much more than Colombia and felt much safer there too.

  8. Sounds like New Jersey.

    I spent about 2 months in Cali Colombia a nice city and the problem with Colombia for me is you cant go out in the countryside because you have to worry about guerrillas(farc) and banditos. Colombia has a lot of potential. Good climate, friendly people, pretty woman.

    I am sure he doesnt want to leave because a average salary is less than $200 dollars a month

  9. yeah, cuz when you go to visit you only visit the most beautiful enterntaining part of the country and not the real thing. Is just like when you go to someone elses house youre ok for a couple of days then you want to go back home after you find out the truth about that house

  10. most countries south of the border are really good to vacation/party in because the dollar goes pretty far. this is esecially true south of mexico where they're extra ready to rip you off in the popular tourist spots.

    some of these spots are a bit riskier than others (COLUMBIA being a good example or even brazil). try some place like costa rica or argentina. they're a little more squared away, but you can still rock out like diddy.

    also, try to bring along someone who speaks the language, at least some of it). it will streamline the whole thing and make it even sweeter.

    good luck and enjoy the  $00.30 beers!

  11. I bet. I live near the beach in a touristy place. Just to make a trip here would be awesome.. I guess.. But it's hot all the time, everything is in Portuguese, and i'm guessing, as is Brazil's politicians, so are the politicians of Columbia.

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