
Is it true that Cristiano Ronaldo wants to leave ManU because of Nereida Gallardo ?

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Is it true that Cristiano Ronaldo wants to leave ManU because of Nereida Gallardo ?




  1. no

  2. no he's likely to stay at man u cause of her. she doesn't want to go back to madrid because she used to go out with sergio ramos and that could cause a difficult situation

  3. probably

  4. no at is CR's decision to leave ManU or not

  5. No, its not true

  6. no c.r is nothing special hes just like eny lionel messi or


  7. Oh who cares, change the record please!

  8. Well, its not true anymore since they are no longer together.

  9. no it's not true, they r not even going out anymore. he said in an interview that he will do what makes him happy, and for the moment he's happy with manchester united.

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