
Is it true that DIAL UP is SLower then Broadband connection?

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I know that DIAL UP for windows XP uses a connection through the telephone line, and the broadband connection uses

(DSL, CABLE) i heard that DIAL UP is slow connection in windows xp Home/Professional......

is this true?




  1. Dial Up is a snail compared to a greyhound

    Yes it is S--L--O--W

  2. Yep.  Slow is relative though.

    Cable/Satellite is usually 1.5Mbps (~1500 Kbps) to 5Mbps (5000 Kbps) depending on your service contract.

    DSL (last I heard) is usually 256 Kbps to 768 Kbps, depending on your service contract, how far you are from the phone company, and how good the wireing in your house is.

    Cellular broadband is roughly the same as DSL in speed.

    Dial-up maxes out at 53 Kbps (with a 56K modem) and usually runs about 50 Kbps.  Slower if the wireing in your house is very old or not as good.  Rural dial-up will be 28.8 Kbps to 33.3 Kbps, maybe slower if lines are old and outdated.

    Cellular dial-up (circuit-switched data) is 14.4 and makes traditional dial-up look fast.


    These would be estimated typical residential connection speeds, business grade broadband connections of cable can be 30+ Mbps.

  3. Dial-up is indeed slower than broadband.  Cable is the fastest of the privately available mediums, offering theoretical speeds up to around 30Mbps (million bits per second).

    Like dial-up, DSL uses phone lines and can theoretically reach speeds around 9Mbps.  However, DSL uses a digital transmission where dial-up uses analog.

    Due to normal analog noise in any phone line, dial-up can't carry as much data without suffering from signal degradation and loss of information.  So it has a maximum throughput of about 56,000 bits per second (56K), about 1/500th as fast as cable, and 1/160th as fast as DSL.

  4. YES Dial up is slow no matter how fast or how new your computer is.  You can't even watch videos with Dial up.  Cable broadband is the fastest.  It is more expensive, but it is worth every Dollar.

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