
Is it true that Drake's Drum has been heard beating?

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Is it true that Drake's Drum has been heard beating?




  1. Do you think England is in danger?

  2. I can only conclude that things could be worse, but  I fear the eleventh hour is nearing it's end and I too fear for the future of this country if we have another crowd like this lot as a government again.

  3. lol. Loud and clear... Any help would be appreciated..:)

  4. If you mean drake the drunken, its not his drum that's his beer can that he's

  5. So that's what's been waking me up at all hours.

  6. If it is, it must have been reading the Daily Mail and got confused between that and real news

  7. Nope!

  8. Not been heard since Dunkirk in 1940 according to the wikipedia but then again who knows that site is full of it.

    Drake is said to have taken the drum, emblazoned with his coat of arms, with him on his voyages around the world between 1577 and 1580.[1] It was still with him for his final voyage and as he lay on his death bed off the coast of Panama in 1596 he ordered the drum returned to England where in times of trouble it should be beaten to recall him from heaven to rescue the country.[2]

    Following his death the drum was returned to Drake's family home of Buckland Abbey in Buckland Monachorum, Devon where, several times throughout history, people have claimed to have heard the drum beating, including; when the Mayflower left Plymouth for America in 1620,[1] when Admiral Lord Nelson was made a freeman of Plymouth,[1] when Napoleon was brought into Plymouth Harbour as a prisoner,[1][2] and when World War I first began in 1914.[2]

    Reportedly, on the Royal Oak, a victory drum roll from a drum was heard when the German navy surrendered in 1918. The ship was then searched twice by the officers and then again by the captain and neither a drum nor a drummer were found on board and eventually the phenomenon was put down to the legendary drum.[2][3][4]

    In 1938 the drum was rescued from a fire in which the abbey was partly destroyed by fire and taken to safety at Buckfast Abbey.[1][3] Plymouth was devastated in the air raids that followed reminding some of the ancient legend that "If Drake's Drum should be moved from its rightful home, the city will fall".[5] The drum was returned and the city remained safe for the rest of the war.

    The drum remains on public display at Buckland Abbey under the care of the National Trust and has most recently been heard in 1940 at the Dunkirk evacuation during World War II

  9. Possibly. England hasn't been in so much danger since the time of Alfred the Great, only this time there doesn't appear to be an Alfred to rescue us :(

  10. Plagiarism is alive and well in CE [2]

  11. It was the pounding of Gordons heart when someone mentioned tax rebate.

  12. I don't think things are quite that serious - yet.

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