
Is it true that Europeans and Indians came from the Iranians?

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my pa told me that the caucasoids and the indians came origionally came from persia. He said some went to europe and some went to india and some stayed. He also said it is why europeans and indians look the same, only different skin colour. Wikipedia says that some scholars say europeans may have been dark as recently as 13,000 years ago and say that europeans may have been darker than the animals around them based on cave paintings and i don't think persians are darker than animals around them ( no racism guys, i'me just curious! )




  1. Well......sorta.  Right idea, but missing a few details.

    The current theories involves waves of people moving out from Africa and Anatolia.

    One of the first waves were the Celtic people, and they spread from Ireland to China (there are actual archaeological finds in china of Caucasians with 'celtic' cloth, dress, etc- and there are a few white people in China.

    One of the last waves were the Indo-Europeans; who spread from India through Europe.  

    In there somewhere also were the Oriental people and those who crossed the Siberian land-bridge to the Americas.  This is the only one were I can give a specific date range; where we know there were migrations as early as 17,000 years ago; and the last was 13,000 years ago.

    Skin color might have changed a bit in the past 10,000 years; but I tend to think the biggest factor in the color of people in cave paintings is pigment available.  Black is easy to find, as are some other colors.  

    There is also a Minoan (and other later civilizations) painting style where men are red and women are white; so its possible there was a similar convention to the cavemen too.  

    Most peoples who live along the Med tend to be darker than the Germanic/Nordic people in Northern Europe- so there are some peoples as dark as the Persians are currently.

    As a final note; wikopedia is not the greatest resource when it comes to science.  If you are really interested, visit the local library and visit the anthropology & archaeology sections.  There should be a few books about the migrations out of Africa and Anatolia.

  2. We originated from Africa and migrated to other continents. The different skin color is caused by climate. Darker skin has more melanin so it protects against the heat, and lighter skin holds in the heat and protects against the cold.

  3. Bengali's are Aryans like the Iranians

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