
Is it true that Florida,Califorinia and all those places are going to be flooded because of global warming?

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I heard that their going to be flooded because like all the ice and glaciers there are going to melt and the ocean is going to keep on rising is it ture?




  1. no.  the ice sheets on greenland and antarctica need to melt in order for coastal cities to flood.  There is too much ice there for it to happen during your life time.  And there is good chance that another cooling trend will start at anytime, maybe even right now.  So there is no reason to believe any cities will be flooded.

  2. If global warming continues to go at this rate or faster or if nobody does anything about it, than yeah, almost everything on the coast will become flooded

  3. I heard for the last half century that California was doomed because the "Big One" earthquake would wipe it out and Nevada would have beach front property.

    Someone will always market doom.  It's up to you to submit to these fears or not.

  4. No! Only Japan and other non Christian nations will get flooded

  5. no, science don't know anything about anything.  Go read a Bible, and thats all you need.

  6. Global warming is just B S to get every to try and "Save the environment" Its not getting any warmer anywhere, its just the way the earth is tilted on it axis this time around. Soon it will be called Global Chilling and everyone can freak out about that. Nobody said anything about Panama, which is way south of florida and california, flooding. Why?

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