
Is it true that France is perfect?

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Ok, so I live in the US and the general impression I have of France is that it's like perfect, everything is clean, everyone lives in a nice house, everyone is friendly to everyone (unless it's an American they're talking to), basically a utopia.

No, I'm not trying to be sarcastic, that's just the impression I have of France. I think I would like to visit one day, because I hear it's so nice. So is it true, is France perfect? Like is it true there's no poverty or crime?




  1. You have some very good answers here. Most of them very honest. No France is not perfect but it is wonderful.

    There are social issues (like any country).

    There are friendly people and rude people (like any country).

    There are rich people and there are poor.

    There are breathtakingly beautiful areas and there are scruffy slums with all the problems you'd expect.

    What I like best is the diversity - each region is different and has it's own strengths. But also you can see state of the art technology like you've never seen before and then just a few miles further down the road will be a peasant (not used as an insult - they are proud of their heritage) walking a donkey. There are fantastic futuristic buildings and there are whole hamlets that have just had running water connected for the first time (on the news earlier this year).

    One thing is consistently good though - except for a few exceptions - food is WONDERFUL!

  2. I wouldn't say it's perfect.

    I stayed in France for 6 months a few years ago, there is a nicer atmosphere and generally people are friendlier. However, there is still homeless people, so not everyone lives in nice houses. There is still crime - I had my purse stolen and my friend's handbag was taken during a night out.

    Overall, I think France is safer than England (or the US) there is less people hanging around at night, people are usually polite, but like I said, there is still crime, still poverty, still poor people, still homeless people.

    I think your perception of France isn't quite right, but there are some lovely cities in France.

    The beaches are perfect though, even on a hot, scorching day they'll only be a few families on it!

    I stayed in France for 6 months a few years back, it has a nicer atmosphere than England or the USA.

  3. Hello,

    no, I say it to you, France is not a perfect country!

    I am French, I like my country for many things. But I have to admit that in certain places, everything is not clean and beautiful. As everywhere, there is of everything!

    The tourist big cities are maintained well. Others also but different. French is on the base friendly and kind. But there are always exceptions! It is true that some do not make the effort to speak English, but because they did not learn it!

    In France, every region in its architecture, what is rather pleasant to see. We have many museum, theaters, and many things to be discovered.

    The food is good, every region has its culinary specialities!

    Thus as a general rule, France is as many countries, there is of the check and the bad!


  4. the things that I like in my country :

                       - widespread respect for intelligence

                       -         "                 "             culture

                       -         "                 "             great commitments

                       - to be rich or not is not a virtue in itself

                       - to have taste is important

                       - to be discret too

                       - to know how to swim in contradictory factors


                       - we are not clerical - and there are no religious

                        conflicts in our country

                        - to promote equality and tolerance for minorities

                         France is the third jewish country, coloured

                         country - does all its best to give rights to g**s,

                         immigrants etc .

        We hate flashy, bad taste, noise, immature and primary stereotypes - and we despise people who swallow bottles

    to get drunken -

         Otherwise, we have been described 100.000 times -in my opinion always with passion -which means either "we are horrible" - or "we are wonderful" - I rarely found realistic descriptions of my country and it's a pity - ,

    we have flaws, we have limits, and we consider "perfection" as a mental representation, a thing to strive for - that's why slogans such as " made in ......", " proud to be......", " the best....." lets us icy.

    Come back soon ;o))

    @ edit - read this - this is a GREAT site :


  5. it is a very refined place and most of it is perfect but there are things. Horrible hosuing developments in some suburbs outside of Paris none in the city which is really good. crime is like any big city not too bad. There is no real bad Parisian attitude its just a perception hold by others. A part from that it is a fantastic city just compare it to other cities and you'll see that it makes up for all of its miskates it is such a beautiful city

  6. No it's not true. As much as I loooove France, it is not perfect, it has its problems like anywhere else. Some are different from America, some are similar. The extent of poverty is not as bad as in the US but it exists there too, violent crime is rare  too but it exists also, to a lesser extent.

    Unemployment and bureaucracy are an issue. Social benefits on the other hand are very generous and comprehensive.

    It's pretty close to perfect in terms of having a wide variety of landscapes and cultures and excellent food within easy reach. No place on earth should be idealized but I hope you will be able to go some day, it has a lot to offer and I am sure you will love it.

    By the way, the whole thing about the French not liking Americans or refusing to speak English (only 25% of the French speak "some" English anyway, why should they be expected to master a language that is not their own?) is ridiculous and completely false.

  7. They don't like the Americans and many of them refuse to speak English.   Other than that, it is a great place but no place is perfect.

  8. Don't you know it ?

    Nothing is perfect my Dear.

    There is good and bad everywhere and no place is absolutely perfect !

  9. no we are like everybody else, I don't understand why people idealize France as if it was Disneyworld (and that's why when they come back from France they say: "The French are awful, rude and don't like us..."),

    ...for me countries like Italy or Spain are just as nice. We have many unemployment problems, many poors and homeless, but you don't see them because they hide very well under the bridges, and they try to look like everybody else in the street. You don't see them in tourist areas because the police make them leave. When tourists visit they think it's great but that's only because we're very good at making things look nice and bright, that's one of our best skills, but you don't see the darker side of France.

  10. I second ChocoBN, who in my view provided one of the more nuanced and accurate responses you received. I too love France (born there, used to live there, and seriously considering moving back at some point), but it's far from perfect, for the simple reason that perfection doesn't exist. The idea that French people typically hate Americans and make a point of being rude towards them is false. I find that France-bashing, far more often than not, is generally perpetrated chiefly by people who in reality know precious little if anything about France, and who therefore resort to caricatures, stereotypes, sweeping generalizations, and the politicization of history. (The latter is based on selective indignation and a very skewed world view that shuns objective analysis.)

    He's also right to point out that it's arrogant- kind of obnoxious, actually- for Americans to travel abroad and take it for granted that the locals should speak their language. Anyone who feels that way should do themselves and others a favor and stay home, frankly.

    Lastly, I'd just like to point out that the concept of what is "polite" and what is "rude" is to a large extent culturally informed. In France, for instance, it is considered rude to walk into a shop and ask for something without so much as saying "hello" or "please" first. I find that this is fairly common here in the US. (Not that I'm suggesting everyone here, or even almost everyone, does this.) My point is simply that what is considered perfectly acceptable in one culture will not necessarily be considered that way in another.

  11. perfect would not be the word i would use to describe france although they are very proud of there country so the roads and streets were i am are very clean and tidy so yes that bits true ,,,,

    but sadly there is crime everywhere in the world and there's no escaping it ,,,

    the french people iv met and know are well manured esp to the older generation  and most stranger's will wish you a good afternoon etc !!!

    they would have no problems speaking to you English American whatever as long as your speaking french in there country!! or at-least try to speak french ,,,,

    there is poverty and many regions of france there is high unemployment ,,,,

    still come to france its a lovely but not a perfect country !!!

  12. well different people have different perspectives on things. but i doubt its anything like what u have herd it as.

  13. Just the opposite.

  14. France is far from perfect. There are frequent riots. One of the biggest problems France has is their employment policies which basically make it impossible to fire someone once you've hired them. This has contributed significantly to their rate of unemployment, which is close to 7.5%. It also has caused disruption amongst the younger generation who are having trouble getting hired.

    This is merely the tip of the iceberg. I love France dearly but I would never go so far as to call it perfect.

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