
Is it true that God does not play dice with the Universe?

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Because I think he would totally rule the craps table.




  1. Einstein purportedly stated that when he was told about quantum mechanics. At the macroscopic scale the universe is seemingly orderly and follows a set of specific laws and rules. The planets orbit the sun according to well-defined mathematical models, bullets and projectiles follow accurately modelled paths etc.

    However, as you proceed to the ultra microscopic scale; and this is at the very surface of the fabric of the universe, smaller than even quarks that protons and neutrons are made up of; the world is a very different place.

    The laws of quantum mechanics apply here. It has been found that at the quantum level an object will not necessarily exist where you might expect it to. There is a probability it might not be there. There is even the probability that it might be present at two or more places at the same time. Or even the probability that the object was already there even BEFORE it arrived there. See the possibilities?

    This also evolved into Heisenberg's uncertainty principle which is rooted in quantum mechanics. The principle states that at the very small scale you cannot accurately predict both the position and speed of a particle. This is because no matter what you use to observe the particle, the rays you use to detect the particle will disturb it and you will change the speed and position of the particle.

    Light rays are composed of photons which have momentum. Proposed solar sails work on the principle that several photons bombarded on a light sail in space can propel a spacecraft forward if the light intensity is high enough. So at the very small scale, it doesn't take much to disturb the position of particles.

    Hence the unpredictability of the universe at the very small scale.

    If you're religious then God is Absolute and knows everything that has happened and that will happen. There is no maybe in His dictionary. Hence God does not play dice.

    If you're not religious (Einstein was an atheist) then it is merely a concept. However, Einstein was right in saying that God does not play dice with the universe because we humans simply have not devised the physics and mathematics required to accurately predict the workings of the very tiny. That is the aim of physicists. The goal for the grand unified theory (GUT). For the theory is that if you know the state of the universe in the past and the accurate state of the universe in the present, you can see what will happen in the future. In short, you can see the mind of God.

    So, the conclusion is that Einstein merely implied that the then understanding of quantum mechanics was insufficient and that he was sure more concrete rules existed. In time, we will find these rules. Meanwhile, we can go on believing that God plays dice with the universe just as the Greeks thought that everything was made of the basic elements of earth, air, fire and water. Eventually, we will realize that God does NOT play dice with the universe.

  2. So the point of life is to make your point? Just wait until I tell all my friends on R+S!

  3. She plays Russian Roulette!

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