
Is it true that Gov Palin's budget was only 12 million? WOW?

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I work in a corporation where one dept ALONE has a 34 million dollar budget and I was responsible for it. I guess that makes me MORE qualified than Sarah Palin. I also have a BA in Business. Sarah only has a BA in Journalism. McCain should have called me. LMAO




  1. Well your just one employee your expendable. Palin was the head and actually important.  

  2. I come up with about $10 billion.

    Edited to add: The Governor's proposed budget for 2009 is about 6.9% more in spending than the 2008 authorized budget. Just an observation for those who see Palin as a fiscal conservative, cost-cutting, tax-lowering politician.

  3. The article I read said that if elected to vp, she would be leaving the state $12 Million in debt.

    Maybe you skipped a class or two.

    Sometimes people do research before they tell the world something.

  4. DRAFT trmdiva FOR VP!!!

  5. No, it's not true...It's obvious that you're just really S****y at fact-finding...Guess that BA of yours isn't worth a ****...You should get your money back

  6. In all fairness, Obama was talking about the budget of Wasilla, not Alaska.

    The former mayor of Moose Knuckle, Alaska (population 6500) is clearly not qualified to be president.

    What was McSame thinking?

  7. You should have listened better. Although in your defense, Obama was being purposefully disingenuous. That was the budget for the city of Wasilla.^

  8. "Oh you don't think I am ready to leady this country? You wouln't vote for me?" Obama said to Biden. "Do you want to be my VP?"

  9. haha....BUT...are you now or have you ever been a part of the PTA?? I think that's the kind of leadership McCain was looking for.

  10. The annual budget in Alaska is $6 Billion.

    Better do your research before you vote.

  11. Yeah, and they claim she has more "executive" experience than Obama. This is the problem with it all. Sure she may have the experience to run a cabinet system, but in reference to the state...the state is fairly big, but population-wise...NO!

    I love this claim that Palin has more experience than Obama. Let's examine the facts, shall we?

    Palin was mayor of a town of about 6,000.

    Palin was governor of a state of about 680,000 for 20 months.

    Obama was state senator for 8 years representing a congressional district of 650,000.

    Obama was a US Senator for nearly 4 years representing a state of nearly 13 million people.

    Palin's experience isn't even close to Obama's when you look at the facts. Okay she has 20 months of "executive" experience, and zero national experience.

    As for the GOP, anyone who claims that Palin has sufficient experience or that she was a good VP pick or that the VP's experience doesn't matter (despite McCain being 72 and having battled cancer several times) yes, has completely 100% flip-flopped, because everyone in the GOP said that Obama was too inexperienced.

    Yeah, the VP's experience doesn't matter - until the fossil of a president with cancer keels over and suddenly she's the president of the United States and her only experience is 2 years as governor of freaking Alaska. Then you'd better believe her inexperience will matter.

  12. scary isn't it

  13. She makes decisions as Gov that affects the lives of the states population,

    And Obama on tough issues...........hahahah

    In the end, Mr. Obama chose neither to vote for nor against the bill. He voted “present,” effectively sidestepping the issue, an option he invoked nearly 130 times as a state senator.

    Yes he spent time in the Senate, but as you can see....

    At 3:00 AM the phone rings........"Present"

  14. Do you know what the VP does?

    You do?

    Your hired!

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