
Is it true that Government gives you the problem then offers you the solution?

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Do you agree with this statement?

Why or why not?




  1. True, Clinton did nothing when the terrorists started the war in '93.  Bush offfered the solution in '01.


  2. I agree with it to the degree that I agree with the statement that "Cooperation has its own problems."

    Any time you have people cooperating, it brings about issues that you wouldn't have had otherwise.

    The hope is that it solves more issues than it creates.  If you don't believe in government, go live in Somalia for a little while.

  3. Yep...and the world keeps turning.

  4. (Yes & No)

    Yes... the idea is that government is there to identify the problem in a clear manner then offer solutions to fix it.   For example lots of traffic congestion in the area, govt identifies the routes most used and builds a new road.  

    But NO... in that many times their solutions are a problem.  So they are in a since trying to fix a problem with a problem.  Which can create a bigger problem than if no solution were implemented in the first place.  Like having an issue with oil shortage and trying to fix it with solutions that end up driving up the prices of oil.

  5. Yes this is true the best example is the MEDIA!!!!   If people are afraid, then the government will have absolute power!!!!!!!

  6. Yes.  Kind of reminds me of the pharmaceutical companies.  They give you a pill for one thing, and the side effects make it necessary for you to get 2 or 3 more prescriptions.  Government acts the very same way.  One tax here causes another problem there, which needs 2 more programs to solve that one, and on and on.  Good question.  You get a star.

  7. Depends on the situation.  

  8. Yes it is very true..

  9. No.  Study our history.  The problems arise, the people get upset, then the government attempts to address the issues.  

    For instance, we have gone through periods of basically unfettered free market capitalism and the results were --  companies exploiting workers, using child labor, defrauding their own shareholders, using unfair practices against competitors, monopolizing industries, selling unsafe and shoddy goods to consumers, etc.  The regulations and legislation that government passed to address those issues are taken for granted today.  

  10. It is as simple as theory vs practice, like which came first.. the chicken or the egg.

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