
Is it true that Gustav hitting new orleans is a sign from God that he dislikes Republicans and thier ?

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  1. no

  2. Nope.

    However, the Dems are choking on the fact the Republicans turned the RNC into a fund-raiser for the victims, while the DNC was self-worshiping, politics-as-usual, non-stop party.

  3. I think that all of the disasters that have befallen the US in the last 7 1/2 years is the result of God being angry with the US and withdrawing his protection because Dubya stole the 2000 election.

    God is angry with the US because of George W. Bush.


  4. No, it's a sign that New Orleans and places around that area aren't suitable for living during this time of year.

    As a Democrat, I don't condone the fact that some people are saying it's a good thing for hurricanes to be hitting anywhere, regardless of who is there. I don't care for the GOP, but I don't want them to be killed.

    Moreso, I'd appreciate it, and so would many others, if you stopped making us look bad because in doing so, you're only giving the Republicans just another thing to whine and cry about. I think we can all agree we're tired of hearing that.

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