
Is it true that Hillary and Al will win your state in November of 2008?

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Hillary and Al are clearly the best choice for you and your friends. Even the neo cons are coming around realizing that the Republicans are all non starters. Hard to match the spirit and tenacity of the Democrats.




  1. I'm hoping the "snub" in the primaries will be matched by

    the voters. Unfortunately, on past records, Michigan will

    go Democrat regardless of the slug nominated for the ticket.

  2. LOL.  Al Gore will never spend another night in the White House at least not while he is alive.   He may come back and try and haunt it.   Hillary will pick a VP that can win the office after she has dismantled America with her entitlement programs.  The wealthy will have moved on to another country.

  3. Not a chance. They will not get more than 30% of the vote.

  4. Not in my state. I live in Texas i doubt that a democrat could win in texas!

  5. No.

    If Hillary is the Democrat candidate for the presidency in 2008, I personally know several card-carrying Democrats that will come out to specifically vote against her.

    Hillary is the best thing that could happen for the Republicans.

  6. This is the same Hitlery that just got an endorsement from Castro right?  Oh yea that's going to help lol.

  7. no way will they win the great state of Texas.Thankfully,we keep our liberals penned up in the Austin area.

  8. Hillary Clinton couldn't carry Georgia if Vince Dooley were her running mate, and Hershel Walker made her nomination speech.

    Because Bush has been so d**n incompetent, the 2008 election should be a Democratic landslide.  As always, there are about 45% of the voters who are knee-jerk Republicans, and about 45% who are knee-jerk Democrats.  That leaves about 10% of the "undecided" voters who always make the difference.  

    This next election, there would ordinarily be a lot of "anybody but another d**n Republican" votes cast.  But if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee, the election is actually in play.  She may still win...but at least then the Republicans have an outside chance.  Hillary is just that d**n divisive and...quite frankly...a lot of people don't trust her.  

    I'd love to see us elect a female president...Lord knows, she couldn't possibly be worse than some of the men we've elected through the years.  (Just look at our last two...a lying perjurer, and a bumbling incompetent.)    But a lot of decent, sincere people would rather vote for Saddam Hussein's rotting corpse than Hillary Clinton.

  9. The smart, voting adults will elect Hillary. You kids just watch & see.

  10. Al? As in Al Gore? Sorry, but I don't see that happening. There's no way he would accept being VP on someone else's ticket. (If I'm wrong, remind me of it in the spring.) As for Hillary carrying my state, Florida, it'll depend on how stirred up the GOP candidate (Fred Thompson?) can get the Cubans in Mami. Who knows -- by then Fidel may have died and the Republicans won't have that bogeyman to use against the Dems. I tend to agree that '08 will be a big year for Democrats, but I certainly wouldn't bet the house on their carrying the Sunshine State...

  11. Hilliary will not get elected. She has no chance, especially when Fred Thompson comes into the race. He is the juggernaut of the election.

  12. Would rather see the end of the world in a nuclear winter than have Hillary and Al in the White House

  13. h**l no, Texas don't want no dang gum Democraps!

    Dangit Bobby!

  14. Oh, Lord, I hope not. Can you spell DOOM and the end of the United States as originally conceived?

    First would be socialism (it exists to a certain extent now, but would be escalated under Hillary); then Bill would get in the Supreme Court and our Constitution would be destroyed.

    The Earth would still melt from global warming caused by sun activity and from an implosion from the Earth caving in on itself to fill all those holes left by mining and oil escavations.

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