
Is it true that I'm partially Asian becasue I'm part American Indian?

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I come from the Southwest tribes and some of us have an Asian look, I heard that we are Siberian nomads




  1. in a really round about way

  2. We all came from Africa, originally, so we are all Africans.

  3. Looks like that would be the case.

  4. No but it is true judging form the number of questions you ask that you're obsessed by the subject. Log off chill out and relax before you end up needing to see a therapist or something?

  5. Well, about 12,000 years ago, "asians" came from asian, across the Baring straight, down the coast of Alaska, into the North America. These nomads are the ancestors of all Native Americans, including Southwest tribes such as the Hopi, Apache, etc.

  6. This is the fourth time you've posted this question.

    What sort of answer are you shopping for?

  7. American Indians were descended from Asians that migrated from Northern Siberia to Northern America, then they moved south. Then they became the Native American Indians. So that means that you aren't Asian, but you have Asian ancestry.

  8. Depends which tribe.  Navajo (Dine, to themselves) are thought to be more recent arrivals (along with Athabascans in Canada) to North America than other tribes, and the language families are different also.

    recent genetic testing on very old North American fossil evidence suggests a more Central Asian genetic type than Siberian. Kazakhstan is in Central Asia. Asia is a big place. Some people who live there are Caucasian. So what do you mean by Asian?

    But yes, I've met Navajo that look Chinese or Japanese (the eyes).

  9. Yes.

    In the  New World migration model, migration of humans from Asia to the Americas took place through  Beringia, a land bridge which formerly connected the two continents across what is now the Bering Strait. This is believed to have taken place 12,000 years ago. These early inhabitants of the Americas spread through out the land and intermarried and became a diverse spread of tribes. Physical features (like height, skin tone, cheek bones, hair color and eye color) became more distinctive depending on the tribe and continuous over time.

    In many tribal legends, however, the Paleo americans, Native Americans have lived in the Americas since the beginnning of time.

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