
Is it true that Israel is capable of destroying the whole world in less than a minute ?

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Is it true that Israel is capable of destroying the whole world in less than a minute ?




  1. No, it would take them at least 5 hours.

  2. h**l no

  3. That would be the U.S. and Russia; the U.S. has enough nuclear firepower to blow the world over 7 times alone.

  4. 10 seconds!!

  5. no if it dd then the us would not have to protect them

  6. No, of course not.  Now, the Middle East could be turned into glass by them on about 20 minutes notice.

  7. If you believe that, is there any anti-Semitic propaganda you don't believe???

  8. What a ridiculous assertion.

    The arsenal held by the Israelis is far smaller than either the U.S. or Russia, and neither of those two MUCH larger militaries can destroy the whole world in less than a minute, by themselves or together.

    Nothing, I say again, NOTHING made by the hand of man is powerful enough to destroy the earth in less than a minute.  The amount of energy required to do that is greater than all the energy mankind has used through its entire existence.

  9. No one can destroy the world, not even if all of the nuclear weapons in the world were combined.

    "Jens Gundlach and Stephen Merkowitz from the  University of Washington have found that the Earth

    weighs in at 5.972 sextillion (5,972,000,000,000,000,000,000) metric tons."

    Now, that is an outrageous amount of matter. As powerful as nuclear weapons are, they are as pitiful as mosquito bites when compared to the amount of energy that would be required to vaporize any significant portion of the planet.

    Israel could, however, make earth uninhabitable, though it is a slim possibility.  Now, I do not know how many nuclear weapons they have, nor what the yield(s) of those weapons may be, or if they have chem/bio weapons.  If so, radioactive fallout/bioweapons dispersal could, in theory, kill off all human life, and possibly animal, if a nuclear winter type of situation was created.

    I guess this question was joke--but, if it is, where's Chuck Norris?

  10. Nope,

    There are not enough nuclear weapons in the world

    To destroy the world.

    Since 2003, when the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty was signed,

    80% of the nuclear warheads have been dismantled.

    The US has went from 12,500 warheads down to 2,200 warheads

    Russia has went from 12,500 warheads , down to around 3,500 and is on track to be down to 2,200 warheads by 2012.

  11. israel cud destroy world if America help him

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