
Is it true that Israel wants a new king?

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i heard they want a new king, from the lineage of David




  1. Eretz Yisrael will have a new king someday and yes it is partly true he will be a decendant from King David whose linage decends from the House of Judah.  But what they won't tell you, there's a catch.  The next King of Israel must decend from both the House of Judah and the House of Israel.  The House of Judah are the keepers of the land and the House of Israel was inherited by Jacob (name changed to Israel) to Ephraim (youngest son of Joseph).  Judah is 4th son to Jacob and Leah.  Joseph is the 1st born son to Jacob and Rachel who also bore a son Benjamin.

  2. Israel, the people as opposed to the State, are always waiting for the (King) Messiah who will be descended from David through Solomon.

    One of the thirteen Articles of the faith is to believe in the coming of the Messiah.

  3. who cares!

  4. Someone asked a similar question regarding this issue, and this is the answer I've found:

    You asked an exciting question, but before I try to answer it I want to make sure we are clear on the following facts:

    1. Israel is a secular democratic state.

    2. It has no Sanhedrin. Not since the times of the Roman Empire.

    3. Israel does have a High Rabbinic Institute, but that one is also subject to the rules and laws of the government. Its only power is in the field of marriage and divorce, and in conducting conversion to orthodox Judaism - which is not required by the law and never was.

    Knowing this, we can be sure that any talks about an israeli king or Sanhedrin are either delusions, gimmicks or matters of curiosity, for currently, these two things are politically impossible. However, there are indeed several religious groups, both in Israel and in other parts of the world, that long for the building of the jewish Temple in Jerusalem, reviving the great days of the biblical-times' Israel, and bringing ACHRIT HAYAMIM (in hebrew - "Achrit": Epilogue,  "Hayamim": of days, or, of time). That is the Jewish version of the appocalypse.

    According to the Rabbinic interpretations of the biblical prophets, that appocalypse will come when the jewish saviour, the Messiah, will arrive in a miraclous way, and with the power of miracles and godly might, will bring upon the end of time as we know it. This Messiah, according to the faith, will be from the lineage of the biblical King David, and he will also re-establish this lineage and become the King of Israel.

    The different religious groups do different things in this field of faith. For example CHABAD, a large, well known kabbalistic jewish group, claimed in the 90s that their Rabbi Milobawitz will uncover himself as the Messiah and bring the Appocalypse in our time. Sadly the Rabbi was by then already senile, and soon died. They keep waiting for him.

  5. Why would we want a king?

  6. well, we will have one when the time is right. right now isn't that time.

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