
Is it true that Jamaicans...?

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hate haitian people? I am Haitian american, and I love the jamiacian culture and so as all other caribbean is this true?




  1. i'm an american raised in jamaica for the first few years of my life. i've wondered the same thing too. i personally don't have anything against haitians at all because a few (not alot) of my friends are haitian. i will admit that i'm not really into dating a haitian because that's how i am raised. i don't think its right but its mainly how we are raised. i don't really see it as hate, its more of each island looking down at each other because both sides do say things about one another as much as they may want to deny it.

  2. Well my friends mother is Jamaican and the husband is Haitian so I really don't think so and I am a little ignorant because I can't tell the difference

  3. I'm Jamaican.

    I personally do not have hate for Haiti or its people. Why should we? We're all from the Caribbean, and we're neighbours!

    Although I cannot speak for other individuals, I wouldn't generalize and say all Jamaicans hate Haitians.

    So no. Jamaicans do not hate least I don't.

  4. Well I'm Half haitian and jamaican and I am pretty involved in both cultures. I have never felt any hatred towards me from family or friends on my Jamaican side.

    However, jamaican in general like to believe that they are the Kings and Queens or the Caribbean...I guess it is because we do a great job marketing our culture across the world (as apposed to the other west indians)

    Now, I know when my mom and dad were dating (mom is haitian) my dads family did not approve of her...they thought less of her because she was haitian....and haitians are thought to be the "boat people". A culture rich with suffering and exploitations of its people...We are from the "underdeveloped" nation, while Jamaica is the tourism land...

    So i guess from an economic perspective, Jamaicans might think that they are better than Haitians....however, I dont believe (today) it translates to hate....There might be a few ignorant ones out there...but they dont make up the majority...

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