
Is it true that Jews secretly control the media, the government, and the world...?

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How do I convert?




  1. yeah and they want ya soullllllllllllllllllllllll

  2. Yea... cause 7 million people can run the world...

                      ... >.>

  3. i think so, hidden control

  4. No that is not true.

    Only closed-minded people believe that kinda stuff.

    Why convert to a religion you really don't respect.

  5. If it was a secret, then how would you have found out?

  6. No, Satan does.

  7. there's one of those silly questions again. how these stories get started is beyond me. they are designed to start trouble between the different religions instead of bringing people of different religions closer together in understanding. in other words NO it is not true.

  8. If they did, you would be allowed to convert at all. But conversion is possible, mainly because Jews secretly have many difficulties to control themselves at times... They are an arguing people.  

  9. Only bigoted ignorant morons might believe such a stupid and racist bit of untruth.

  10. So secret that it's openly discussed on Y!A!

    No--it's something made up by people so stupid and lazy that they can't figure out that hard work and serious study cause people to achieve success, and they'd rather attribute success to a worldwide conspiracy to keep them oppressed.

  11. The Jews have historically been a wealthy and successful culture.

    Therefore, many of the richest and most powerful people in the world ARE Jewish.  But it's not a conspiracy, it's just economics.

  12. Clearly not or I wouldn't have to travel to get a decent blintz.

  13. If they do, they spend an awful lot of time trying to kill themselves.  

  14. Take off your tinfoil hat, turn off your computer, leave your mom's basement and go get a job.

  15. No they do not the Illuminati do

  16. if we do the we are doing a bad job. also seeing that we are the center of so many conspiracies i hardly see how any of this is going to work with so many whisterblowers. and i don't think its a secret if there are millions of websites dedicated to uncovering the secret. its the life of the world's oldest scapegoat.  

  17. Not all the Jews. There is just a bunch of rich bankers that control a huge part of the worlds money supply through central banks. They also control alot of our media corporations. It's 100% true.

  18. Not only that, but inside every computer bought in the US is a little Jewish man-fairy that sends all of your information to our secret, world-controlling underground lair.

  19. Answer:  No.

    Comment:  Reported.

  20. Could be. They have a strong soldier that can defeat all the armies in the world. As they are saying, "You don't mess with the Zohan."

  21. That is not true.  Not even close.  

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